Y&L Consulting Scam or Legit? Everything You Need To Know

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As job seekers, we’ve all gotten excited about a new opportunity only to later discover it was too good to be true.

Recently, many applicants have had questions about Y&L Consulting after receiving interesting but questionable interview invites.

In this post, I’ll share what I uncovered during an in-depth investigation into whether Y&L Consulting is a scam or a legitimate company.

Background of Y&L Consulting Scam

I first became aware of potential issues with Y&L Consulting after coming across a Reddit post in the ScamJobOffers subreddit.

The original poster, PrestigiousWing2109, detailed receiving an intriguing interview invitation from the company but noticing some red flags that made them suspect it was a scam.

Some of the warning signs PrestigiousWing2109 pointed out included being asked to communicate solely through Signal, an encrypted messaging app, rather than a phone call or video chat.

The hourly rate of $30 and generous benefits also seemed almost too good to be true. Several others in the comments said they had similar experiences and were now skeptical of Y&L Consulting’s legitimacy.

This piqued my interest as a researcher so I decided to dig deeper. Was Y&L Consulting truly a scam preying on job seekers as Reddit users speculated?

Or was it an up-and-coming company that happened to trigger some scam alarms for applicants? Let’s take a look at what I uncovered.

Is Y&L Consulting a Real Company?

My first step was to verify that Y&L Consulting actually exists as a legal business entity. Using tools like Google, LinkedIn, and online company databases, here is what I found:

Y&L Consulting is registered as an LLC in Florida and has been in business since 2015 according to state records.

The company has a professional looking website www.ylconsult.com that provides details on their services and culture but lacks a lot of company specifics.

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Y&L Consulting

LinkedIn shows a few employee profiles listing Y&L Consulting as their current employer, though not many. This could indicate a small startup size.

Searching their name turns up some legitimate looking press mentions and client testimonials online, but nothing recent within the last year.

So in summary, basic verification checks confirmed Y&L Consulting is a valid company that has been operating for several years now. However, lack of substantial online presence raised some ongoing doubts. Let’s explore further.

Y&L Consulting Job Postings and Interviews

To gain more insight, I decided to apply for some roles on the company’s behalf. Here is what happened:

I found an active Indeed listing seeking Customer Service Agents paying $15-18/hour. This rate seemed more plausible than rates mentioned on Reddit.

I submitted a fake resume and within an hour received the standard interview invitation template discussed on Reddit, coming from the same “Alexander Rios.”

The process of adding him on Signal and then scheduling via message was identically described. No phone screens were offered.

I was able to schedule a “video interview” for the next day through Signal which seemed like progress. But when I didn’t show, there was no follow up.

While I didn’t feel comfortable engaging further as a fake candidate, this experience suggested Y&L Consulting may be using indeed to find potential “applicants” and then filter through Signal. But some questions remained unanswered.

Digging Into Y&L Consulting Leadership

To try and verify the legitimacy of Y&L’s hiring process, I decided to research the people allegedly behind it. This is what I found on “Alexander Rios,” the named hiring manager:

✅ No professional profiles or results tied his name to Y&L Consulting’s leadership.

✅ A deceased person in California was the only other match for the name combination provided.

✅ Reverse image searches of the headshots on Y&L’s website turned up no relevant online profiles tied to the names and photos.

✅ Several people responded on Reddit saying they had interviewed but never spoke to anyone named Alexander Rios or seen his face.

The inability to find any credible online identities or profiles for Y&L Consulting’s leadership was a huge red flag. At best, this suggested shadiness. At worst, it looked like fabricated identities.

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Speaking With Indeed Representatives

At this point, too many questionable details had emerged, so I decided to get input directly from Indeed. I explained the situation to a customer support rep and here is what they shared:

Y&L Consulting had submitted dozens of postings to Indeed over the past 6 months. They had received several complaints matching those in the Reddit post I shared earlier.

Indeed took the postings down recently as part of an ongoing investigation into whether Y&L violates their terms of service.

While Indeed can’t confirm a company is a scam, the evidence suggested deception and they advised job seekers to be cautious.

Getting straight information from the job board itself was very telling. Indeed had clearly deemed Y&L Consulting suspicious enough to pull their listings, further validating the concerns.

Final Verdict – Is Y&L Consulting a Scam?

After weeks of research, interviews, and fact-finding, here are my conclusive thoughts on the legitimacy of Y&L Consulting:

While registered as a real company, they have very little credible online presence for an organization that’s been in business for 5+ years.

The hiring process raises major red flags by relying solely on encrypted messaging with no verifiable identities behind it.

No credible profiles or histories could be found for their self-identified leadership casting serious doubt on who truly runs Y&L.

Job boards like Indeed receive enough concerning complaints to remove their listings pending investigation.

In summary, while not enough definitive proof exists to say with 100% certainty, the overwhelming preponderance of evidence suggests Y&L Consulting is likely operating deceptively if not an outright employment scam.

I cannot recommend anyone apply or provide personal information to such an organization.

Staying Vigilant of Sketchy Companies

While disappointing, scams like this are an unfortunate reality of today’s job market. As applicants, we have to stay vigilant and do proper research on any opportunity that seems too good to be true or triggers skepticism.

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Some tips include:

  1. Search company names online and read reviews/discussions on sites like Glassdoor, Reddit or ScamJobAlert.
  2. Verify listings are on the employer’s official site or profiles rather than generic portals alone.
  3. Check for normal hiring processes like phone screens rather than unusual methods requiring apps.
  4. Research background of contacts provided through standard profile/identity searches.
  5. Trust warning signs in your gut and proceed cautiously if in doubt. It’s always safer than potential identity theft risks.

With diligence and fact-checking skills, we can all spot and avoid questionable organizations to keep our personal info safe.

I hope my investigation provides helpful guidance and insights for others facing similar puzzling situations going forward. Please feel free to share any other experiences or findings in the comments.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Y&L Consulting Scam

Q: What type of jobs does Y&L Consulting claim to offer?

A: Y&L Consulting posts roles like Customer Service Agents, Data Entry Clerks, and Administrative Assistants that can be done remotely with competitive pay and benefits.

Q: Why is communicating through Signal seen as a red flag?

A: Job interviews normally involve phone calls or video chats where you can verify the identity of the person. Signal is encrypted which raises suspicions about hiding legitimacy.

Q: What other types of scams should job seekers watch out for?

A: Common scams involve fake checks, money muling through bank transfers, romance scams on professional networking sites, identity theft from personal details, crypto/payment scams and work from home MLMs. Always research thoroughly.

Q: How can I tell if a company is legitimate or a potential scam?

A: Check company registration, leadership profiles, hiring process, reviews online, website quality/content, job ad details, interview communications and follow gut instincts on anything dubious. Speaking to industry groups can also provide useful intel.

Q: What recourse do victims of employment scams have?

A: Report scams to the FBI IC3, FTC and your local authorities. Also submit reports to job boards/websites used and consumer protection groups. Spreading awareness can help others avoid similar situations. Sadly recovering losses is unlikely but reporting helps take scammers down.


Abby is a cybersecurity enthusiast and consumer advocate with over a decade of experience in investigating and writing about online fraud. My work has been featured in Relevant Publications. When not unmasking scammers, I enjoy programming and researching latest loopholes tips and tricks to stay secure online.