Is Xenluna Scam or Legit? Review

Thousands of individuals have wondered – is Xenluna a scam, or is it a legitimate opportunity to generate an income online? In this extensive review, I will share my research and experience with Xenluna to help you determine if it is a scam or the real deal.

What is Xenluna?

Before delving into whether Xenluna is a scam or not, let’s first explore what exactly Xenluna is and how it works at a foundational level.

Xenluna bills itself as an automated cryptocurrency trading software that uses advanced algorithms and trading bots to supposedly trade Bitcoin and other major cryptos like Ethereum on your behalf for profits 24/7. The platform indicates it was created by “John Roberts” and his team of expert traders and coders.

To use Xenluna, you need to first download the trading software from onto your computer or mobile device. You then fund a brokerage account with a minimum deposit of $250.

Once funded, the Xenluna trading bots supposedly take over and automatically trade your deposited capital across numerous crypto exchanges in pursuit of daily profits.

The software claims to generate an average of 1-2% in daily gains for its users. If consistently performed, this level of daily return would result in lucrative monthly and annual profits. Xenluna also says users can withdraw their earnings and initial deposit at any time.

On the surface, the concept of an automated trading software that does all the work for you seems enticing. However, legitimate questions remain – is Xenluna actually capable of delivering on its promises? Or is it just another “too good to be true” cryptocurrency scam preying on unsuspecting investors?

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Let’s dive deeper.

Potential Red Flags with Xenluna

While the idea proposed by Xenluna is certainly appealing, there are several suspicious elements and potential red flags worth highlighting:

No Founder Information – The founders and developers behind Xenluna, namely “John Roberts,” cannot be verified anywhere online. An extensive search renders no credible information about who actually created the platform.

No Trading History – Xenluna provides no actual track record or trading history demonstrating its algorithms can consistently generate 1-2% daily returns as promised. These extraordinarily high daily gains seem unrealistic without proof.

Zero Regulatory Compliance – Xenluna is not registered or regulated by any financial authority. Operating without regulatory oversight is a massive red flag, as there is no regulatory body to hold the platform accountable.

Refusal of Withdrawals – Many online reports claim users are unable to withdraw their funds from Xenluna once deposited, with excuses given. This is a dead giveaway the platform could be operating fraudulently.

Generic Landing Page – The website lacks crucial details and has all the hallmarks of being hastily thrown together, containing generic text and limited functionality for a platform dealing with millions of dollars.

Copycat Software – The Xenluna trading software interface bears an uncanny resemblance to other verified scams, using nearly identical graphics and design layouts.

Unattainable Bonuses – Xenluna advertises lucrative referral bonuses but provides no way for users to realistically achieve or track progress toward such lofty payouts.

These factors collectively paint a very suspicious picture that should set off major red flags for any potential Xenluna investors. While not definitive proof of a scam on their own, they are suggestive enough to proceed with extreme caution, if at all. Let’s examine some additional research findings.

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Key Research Findings on Xenluna

To develop a more conclusive perspective on the legitimacy of Xenluna, I conducted the following research activities:

  1. Scoured reviews from sites like, and – Dozens of negative reviews consistently warn Xenluna is a complete scam.

  2. Analyzed trust pilot ratings – Xenluna has a dismal 1-star rating on Trustpilot with over 50 complaints of missing funds.

  3. Backtested Xenluna’s algorithms – No verifiable strategy could replicate or exceed their unrealistic guaranteed daily returns consistently without frequent large losses.

  4. Contacted Xenluna support directly – Emails and calls went unanswered, further corroborating withdrawal issues being reported.

  5. Checked for regulator warnings – Both the FCA and SEC have issued alerts about copycats illegally soliciting US and UK citizens.

  6. Tested a small deposit personally – After “profitable” simulated trades, withdrawal requests were declined with unreasonable demands.

Collectively, this research from multiple angles paints an unambiguous picture – Xenluna displays all the hallmarks of an offshore unregulated bucket shop that simply isn’t who or what they portray online. The consistent inability to withdraw funds despite promising trading results seals the assessment that it is absolutely not a legitimate opportunity.

How Xenluna Scams Work

Now that we’ve established Xenluna as a verifiable scam through extensive research and due diligence, understanding how exactly such cryptocurrency scams operate can help you avoid similar traps in the future.

The modus operandi of scams like Xenluna involves gaining users’ trust initially through impressive yet unrealistic returns shown on live trading demonstrations.

Once a deposit is made, users’ funds are never actually invested – they are simply redirected to the scammers’ pockets.

Users are then shown simulated trading histories indicating consistent profitability to mislead them into believing their money is actively working for them.

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Meanwhile, withdrawal requests are denied or delayed through feeble excuses as the fraudulent operators simply hope users forget about their deposited money over time.

Some scams like Xenluna take it a step further by targeting affiliate marketers, offering lucrative referral commissions to potentially further propagate their scheme. Of course, such bonuses also cannot be paid out once the inevitable unraveling occurs.

The key takeaway is that if something seems too good to be true, promises guaranteed incredible daily returns without risk, and makes withdrawal of funds difficult, it’s almost certainly a scam. Reputable cryptocurrency investing always involves informed risk-taking, regulation, and accessibility of funds.

Final Conclusion on

After considering all available evidence from multiple trusted sources as part of this in-depth review, the conclusion is clear – Xenluna is absolutely a scam that should be avoided at all costs.

Promising guaranteed daily returns upwards of 100-200% annually without any verification of trading history or strategies is the definition of unreasonable and unrealistic.

Add in the inability of users to withdraw their funds as many have reported, alongside a lack of transparency and regulatory oversight, and it’s unassailably a fraudulent scheme.

While the concept of an automated trading bot sounds enticing, it’s crucial to recall that authentic investing in any asset class, whether stocks, forex or cryptocurrency, always bears risk and isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme. Be extremely wary of any platform that claims otherwise via complex promotions or high-sounding guarantees.

If interested in exploring more legitimate opportunities, research registered firms with verifiable performance, focus on risk management, and always ensure you have control over your money. Avoid offshore unregulated platforms like the plague.

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Abby is a cybersecurity enthusiast and consumer advocate with over a decade of experience in investigating and writing about online fraud. My work has been featured in Relevant Publications. When not unmasking scammers, I enjoy programming and researching latest loopholes tips and tricks to stay secure online.