Who Is The Biggest Scammer In The World?

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So, who is the biggest scammer in the world? Scammers come in all shapes and sizes. From small-time grifters looking to steal a quick buck to sophisticated criminal organizations running complex international schemes.

In this post, let’s look at some of the biggest and most notorious scammers in modern history based on the scale and impact of their deceptive operations.


Scamming and fraud cost individuals and businesses billions of dollars each year. While most scams target vulnerable groups like the elderly, some cunning criminals have devised schemes so grandiose that they impacted the global economy.

Who are these master manipulators that caused so much harm? Today, we’ll look at three individuals who each orchestrated scams of epic proportions, causing untold damage through their web of lies and deception.

Before diving into who is the biggest scammer in the world is, we should understand the psychology and methods of scammers. Many view scamming as a victimless crime, a way for the cunning to outwit the gullible. But each scam destroys trust and inflicts suffering.

Victims lose money, homes, retirement funds, and even their lives in some cases. So while we may feel impressed by a scammer’s boldness or intellect, we must not lose sight of the real human costs.

With that in mind, let’s examine three scammers who took deception to astronomical heights through brazenness, charisma, and relentless ambition.

They pulled off unprecedented financial heists that shocked the world. Though brought to justice, the damage of their lies may never be fully undone.

Who Is The Biggest Scammer In The World?

1. Bernie Madoff – Estimated $64.8 Billion Ponzi Scheme

Bernie Madoff is considered the most notorious financial criminal of all time due to the immense scale and brazen nature of his $64.8 billion Ponzi scheme – the largest such scam in world history.

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Madoff founded Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities in 1960 and grew it into one of the top brokerage houses on Wall Street.

He convinced wealthy clients and institutions to invest with promises of consistent, above-average returns, all while obscuring the fact that he never actually invested any of the funds.

Instead, Madoff used money from new investors to pay existing clients in the style of a classic Ponzi scheme. When the financial crisis hit in 2008 and redemptions spiked, the jig was up as Madoff had over $60 billion in outstanding fake investments on his books.

Numerous famous investors, charities, universities, and even members of Madoff’s own family lost entire life savings and fortunes they thought were safely invested.

Madoff was sentenced to 150 years in prison and died there in 2021 at age 82. His scam exposed deep flaws in SEC oversight and destroyed countless lives in its wake.

2. Mikheil Saakashvili – Estimated $5 Billion Bank Fraud Scheme

The second largest financial scam ever came from an unexpected source – the former president of Georgia. Mikheil Saakashvili took power in 2004 and gained international praise for reforms until allegations of corruption emerged later in his rule.

Specifically, Saakashvili was accused of organizing a $5 billion bank fraud scheme through the country’s largest bank, TBC Bank.

Prosecutors said he used his political influence to pressure the bank into risky loans that were never repaid, emptying its coffers in the process. This left the Georgian people on the hook for billions in debt while oligarchs close to Saakashvili profited.

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When term limits forced Saakashvili from office in 2013, the new government indicted him and several allies on multiple corruption charges related to bank fraud and embezzlement of state funds. He fled the country but was later convicted in absentia and sentenced to prison.

Saakashvili remains a wanted man in Georgia, though he insists the charges are politically motivated. His scheme plunged the small nation into a crippling financial crisis from which it is still recovering.

3. Elizabeth Holmes – Theranos Fraud Valued at $9 Billion

In modern times, few scams captivated America quite like Theranos, the biotech startup that promised to revolutionize blood testing but delivered nothing close to reality.

Its founder and CEO Elizabeth Holmes was once hailed as the world’s youngest female self-made billionaire, but it was all based on lies.

Holmes dropped out of Stanford at 19 to start Theranos in 2003 with a mission to run comprehensive tests on just a few drops of blood. She recruited prominent board members like former secretaries of state to promote her vision, which gained $9 billion in valuation based on nothing more than hype, fakery, and false advertisements.

In truth, Theranos’ technology did not work and most tests were being run on conventional machines using standard methods.

Whistleblowers exposed the deceit, leading to investigations that stripped Theranos of its funding and partnerships. Holmes was eventually convicted on four counts of fraud and sentenced to over 11 years in prison.

Her spectacular fall proved the harms of deceiving both wealthy investors and average patients purely for greed and egotistical ambitions. Many victimized by Theranos’ lies saw their health and finances impacted for years after due to unreliable test results.

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Wrapping Up

In summary, while countless smaller scams slip under the radar, Bernie Madoff, Mikheil Saakashvili, and Elizabeth Holmes stand apart for inflicting damage on a truly international scale through audacious financial deceptions.

Their schemes collectively bilked victims out of over $79 billion through a toxic mix of charisma, abuse of power, and utter disregard for the harm caused.

Though brought to justice to some degree, the scars of lost money, broken trust, and damaged lives will linger for generations. As technology evolves, so too does criminal sophistication – underscoring the need for constant vigilance against those who would prey on public trust for private greed.

In an ever more complex world, may we seek to lift each other higher through compassion instead of allowing any to pull us down.

Key takeaways from this blog post on the biggest scammers.

  1. the largest Ponzi scheme in history, defrauding victims out of an estimated $64.8 billion through his fake investment firm.
  2. Former Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili is accused of organizing a $5 billion bank fraud scheme that plunged the country into financial crisis.
  3. Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos duped investors and patients with false claims about medical technology, culminating in a $9 billion fraud and Holmes’ criminal conviction.
  4. These three individuals conducted some of the largest and most impactful financial scams in modern times through deception on an international scale.
  5. Their schemes collectively stole over $79 billion from victims and undermined trust in institutions, with harms that will persist for generations.
  6. As technology advances, criminal tactics become more sophisticated, highlighting the ongoing need to safeguard the public against such abuses of power and greed.


Abby is a cybersecurity enthusiast and consumer advocate with over a decade of experience in investigating and writing about online fraud. My work has been featured in Relevant Publications. When not unmasking scammers, I enjoy programming and researching latest loopholes tips and tricks to stay secure online.