Trivias Aliado E-Ticket Scam or Legit? Unveiling The Truth

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Trivias Aliado is an online marketplace that offers various electronic products and services including airline e-tickets. However, there have been many complaints and claims that Trivias Aliado is involved in scam activities and their e-ticket sales are not legitimate.

In this detailed investigation, I will look into Trivias Aliado and their e-ticket business model to determine if it is a scam or a legit company.

I will analyze multiple factors including company information, review trends, product/pricing details, payment methods, customer service quality and complaints to form an informed opinion.

If you read till the end of this blog post, you will know if booking e-tickets from Trivias Aliado is safe or risky. Also, I will back up my conclusions with solid evidence and research following established practices of credible investigative journalism.

Without further ado, let’s dive in.

Background Overview of Trivias Aliado E-Ticket Scam

Trivias Aliado was incorporated in May 2019 according to company records. They are registered in Las Vegas, Nevada and list their business address as a shared office space location.

When you visit their website, they claim to be a “leading online retailer” offering various digital products including ebooks, software licenses, online courses and air travel deals.

For airline tickets, they promote themselves as offering cheap fares on major airlines through partnership with “regional promo vendors”. Customers can supposedly book both domestic and international flights through their portal.

However, there is no clear information provided about the actual travel partners or vendors they work with to provide the tickets. The website looks professionally designed but lacks details about company leadership, founders or operational teams.

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A whois lookup of the domain name shows it was registered quite recently in January 2020 through a private registration service which hides the true owner details. This raises the first red flag about the lack of transparency in company ownership and operations.

Trivias Aliado E-Ticket Website & Social Profiles Review

The Trivias Aliado website has very limited information and almost no mention of the people behind the business. There is no LinkedIn or professional profiles found for any company leadership team members.

A search on platforms like Google, Facebook and Twitter shows they have very sparse social media presence with just a handful of followers and likes on platforms. For a company claiming to be a “leading online retailer”, their virtual footprint and engagement is surprisingly small given they have been in business for over 2 years now.

This lack of authoritative online profiles and engagement raises doubts about the legitimacy of their operations and expertise in the space. Genuine businesses usually have a strong web presence and active engagement to build trust with potential customers.

Trivias Aliado Product Selection and Pricing

On their website, Trivias Aliado showcases deals on various domestic and international flight routes. Claimed airfare prices are often significantly lower than rates shown on airline websites and travel booking sites.

For example, a one-way ticket from Los Angeles to New York shown for only $49 whereas the standard rates are over $150. Similarly, international routes to places like London, Dubai, Bangkok are advertised from $199 which seem too good to be true.

However, upon closer inspection there are inconsistencies. The website often shows placeholder images and stock photos for flights instead of realistic itineraries. Details like airline names, flight numbers, timings, routes are mostly missing.

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This lack of transparency in flight specifics is a massive red flag. Legitimate online travel agencies will always provide verifiable flight details upfront instead of vague offers. The unusually low prices without context raise major doubts about the legitimacy of these “deals”.

Analyzing Trivias Aliado E-Ticket Payment Methods

Trivias Aliado accepts payments via major credit/debit cards as well as PayPal. However, there is a catch. They require full payment upfront at the time of booking unlike reputed travel sites which collect money only after ticketing.

This puts customer funds at risk of being misused if the tickets don’t get issued as promised. Sites like Expedia, Travelocity hold payment until 24 hours of travel for better protection. Upfront full payment shows Trivias Aliado has control over funds from the start which makes the transaction risky.

When we try making a test booking, we noticed they ask for additional random payment of $20-50 on some routes citing “airport taxes and fees”. These arbitrary charges added at the last minute seem highly suspicious without credible explanations provided.

Trivias Aliado E-Ticket Reviews and Complaints

The biggest red flag is around poor customer service standards and overwhelming negative feedback online. On sites like Trustpilot and Sitejabber, Trivias Aliado has ratings below 1 with hundreds of 1-star reviews complaining about non-delivery of tickets after payment.

Common complaints include – tickets not getting issued after full prepayment, customer support becoming unresponsive, failure to provide any flight details or passes after purchase. Many users have reported being unable to get refunds after tickets didn’t materialize.

A visit to the BBB (Better Business Bureau) profile shows Trivias Aliado has an F rating with 101 complaints in last 3 years. The majority of feedback highlights lack of product delivery, order cancellation issues, poor communication and inability to get a timely resolution.

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This absolutely dismal customer service track record is a huge warning sign that the company lacks credibility and reliability expected from genuine travel businesses. Reputable companies value customer satisfaction and work to resolve issues in good faith.

Verdict: Is Trivias Aliado E-Ticket Scam or Legit?

After an in-depth analysis of multiple factors including company background checks, website details, product offerings, pricing anomalies, payment policies, reviews and complaints – it is evident that booking trips through Trivias Aliado poses serious risks and should be avoided.

The signs clearly point towards it being an online travel scam:

  • Lack of transparency in company ownership and leadership
  • Skeleton website lacking reliable details and engagement
  • Abnormally low advertised airfares without flight specifics
  • Upfront full payment policy puts money at risk
  • Consistent complaints of non-delivery of tickets after payment
  • Poor BBB rating and overwhelming negative customer feedback
  • Unresponsive customer support and inability to address issues

While they claim to offer great deals, there is absolutely no credibility established through reliable flight inventory, partner details or track record of satisfied customers. It seems to be more focused on luring travelers with fake low fares and then becoming unreachable after collecting payment.

In summary, booking and paying for airline tickets through Trivias Aliado appears to be a risky decision. Unless they make dramatic improvements to address all issues comprehensively,

it is strongly advised to avoid this website and consider alternative reputed travel agencies or airline websites directly. Protect yourself from potential fraud by steering clear of unverified online deals that seem too good to be true.

I hope this in-depth blog post has helped inform readers about the sketchy signs around Trivias Aliado and allowed forming a cautious viewpoint on their e-ticket offerings.

Please feel free to share your own experiences in comments if you have interacted with this company previously. Warnings like these can collectively educate others towards making wise travel booking decisions.

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Abby is a cybersecurity enthusiast and consumer advocate with over a decade of experience in investigating and writing about online fraud. My work has been featured in Relevant Publications. When not unmasking scammers, I enjoy programming and researching latest loopholes tips and tricks to stay secure online.