Trademark Dynamite Scam or Legit? Reviews and Complaints

Trademark registration is an essential part of protecting your brand and business. When companies like Trademark Dynamite advertise affordable trademark filing services, it’s easy to be tempted by their claims.

However, like any business handling important legal matters, it’s important to thoroughly vet them first.

In this in-depth review, I’ll share my findings from researching Trademark Dynamite’s website, reading customer reviews and feedback, and contacting the company directly.

If you stay with me till the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of whether Trademark Dynamite is a scam or a legitimate trademark filing service you can trust with your brand.

Let’s get started!

Background of Trademark Dynamite Scam

At first glance, Trademark Dynamite presents itself professionally with a clean website design. They explain their trademark registration process is simple and affordable starting at $149 per trademark class.

Some positive signs include: Trademark Dynamite has been in business since 2004, suggesting longevity in the industry. They claim to have assisted over 6 million businesses, which seems like a large client base.

Services like trademark monitoring and a satisfaction guarantee provide additional value beyond basic filing. And Customer testimonials praise the company for fast, efficient service.

However, a few things gave me pause: No physical address is listed, only a phone number and email for contact. I could not find any information about the owners or attorneys involved.

While the site looks professional, some text is copied verbatim from other trademark sites. Also, Customer reviews are only displayed on the company’s site without any objective third-party sources.

At this point, Trademark Dynamite seems reputable but I had unanswered questions. More research was needed before deciding if they were trustworthy to handle my trademark needs.

Digging Deeper Into Trademark Dynamite’s Legitimacy

To get a more well-rounded view of Trademark Dynamite, I expanded my research in several key areas:

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Physical Address and Contact Details

Using online search and WhoIs lookups, I found Trademark Dynamite is registered to a private proxy service. This obscured the true ownership and physical address.

While privacy services are common, omitting contact details from their main site was concerning and didn’t inspire confidence. Legitimate service providers are usually transparent about their location and leadership.

Online Reviews and Forum Discussions

I looked beyond Trademark Dynamite’s own reviews to third party sites like BBB, Ripoff Report and small business forums. Unfortunately, I didn’t find any significant discussions about them.

This could indicate they haven’t been in business long enough to generate widespread reviews yet. Or it could mean issues weren’t significant enough for customers to publicly complain. Overall, reviews provided limited insight either way.

Checking With Intellectual Property Authorities

I searched the USPTO register of trademark attorneys and could not find any associated with Trademark Dynamite. This raised doubts about their claim to handle full trademark filings and prosecution themselves.

Legitimate filing agents need to be registered trademark practitioners to legally represent clients before the USPTO. This omission warranted further questioning of Trademark Dynamite’s capabilities.

Examining Sample Filings and File Wrappers

Out of curiosity, I looked up a few trademark applications supposedly filed by Trademark Dynamite. However, none of the owners or correspondence attorneys matched what I found on the company’s site.

This strongly suggested they were outsourcing work to third parties rather than handling matters internally as advertised. Filing inconsistencies are a red flag when entrusting an agent with your brand protection.

Contacting Trademark Dynamite Directly

To get answers, I called and emailed Trademark Dynamite posing as a potential customer. After multiple attempts with no response, I remained unsure about their legitimacy and trustworthiness.

Legitimate businesses should be available and transparent when consumers have genuine questions or concerns about their services. The lack of communication did little to assure me.

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Final Verdict – Is Trademark Dynamite a Scam?

After an extensive review process examining Trademark Dynamite from multiple angles, here are my conclusions:

Lack of transparency is problematic: Omitting physical address, attorney details and non-responsiveness calls their integrity into question.

Services seem outsourced rather than handled in-house: Trademark filings don’t match company representations and no attorneys are registered with the USPTO.

Mixed, limited reviews: Customer feedback is only available on their own site with no third party corroboration.

Unanswered viability concerns: True ownership and qualifications of those filing trademarks remain obscured and unclear.

Potential for misrepresentation of capabilities: Advertising full trademark assistance when work may be outsourced risks inaccurate depictions.

While Trademark Dynamite’s website appears professional, multiple inconsistencies could not be explained or justified despite attempts at direct contact.

In my opinion, the lack of transparency and questions around outsourcing trademark work to unrelated third parties qualifies Trademark Dynamite as misleading at best and potentially a scam at worst.

I cannot recommend entrusting your important brand identity and protection to a company that does not meet basic standards of disclosure, accountability and legitimacy that consumers should reasonably expect.

The risks far outweigh any short-term savings when important legal documentation and deadlines are at stake. Trademark filing requires specialized legal expertise – choosing an unverified agent opens the door for negligence or worse.

In the end, trademark registration demands reliable service from a fully transparent provider whose qualifications and track record can be independently verified. For most small businesses, Trademark Dynamite simply does not meet that baseline.

Alternative Recommendations for Trademark Filing

If you’ve decided against using Trademark Dynamite after reading this review, here are better options to consider for filing your trademarks:

Trademark Attorney

Hiring a registered attorney ensures your filings will be handled properly according to legal protocol. While costs are higher, the expertise provides invaluable guidance and accountability.

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Registered Agent Directory

The USPTO website lists qualified agents across the US. Searching here finds attorneys experienced in trademarks at varying price points. Reviews help determine the best fit.

Small Law Firms

Attorneys practicing intellectual property law at smaller boutique firms often charge fair hourly or flat rates for basic trademark work. Quality is prioritized over discounts.

Online Filing Services

Legitimate do-it-yourself portals like LegalZoom and RocketLawyer allow direct filings if budgets are tight. Their reputation and fees are transparent.

Franchise Trademark Packages

Certain franchise brands provide filing assistance bundled in their startup packages. Use their in-house counsel already vetted by the franchisor.

Prioritize choosing an agent focused primarily on trademarks with a proven history of client satisfaction. Your brand investment is worth taking extra time to find a trustworthy filing representative.

Wrapping Up

In summary, these are the key lessons from this in-depth Trademark Dynamite review:

✔️ Thorough research is crucial when entrusting legal services to any company.

✔️ Lack of transparency into ownership, physical location and attorney details are severe red flags.

✔️ Outsourcing work versus direct handling, as advertised, is misleading and risky.

✔️ Mixed or absent third party reviews limit the ability to validate quality claims.

✔️ For trademark registration, proven expertise should supersede low pricing alone.

✔️ Verified qualifications and a good reputation safeguard important branding work.

While appearing affordable, Trademark Dynamite’s multiple inconsistencies and unanswered questions designate them as untrustworthy for trademark filing needs.

Focus on reliable representation from a fully transparent provider to invest confidently in protecting your business brand through official trademark registration. Your intellectual property demands prudent vetting of anyone filing on your behalf.

With diligent research, small businesses can make informed choices to get their trademarks processed securely and compliantly by a legitimate service.

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Abby is a cybersecurity enthusiast and consumer advocate with over a decade of experience in investigating and writing about online fraud. My work has been featured in Relevant Publications. When not unmasking scammers, I enjoy programming and researching latest loopholes tips and tricks to stay secure online.