The Perfect Scam Group Review Scam or Legit? The Bitter Truth

As online entrepreneurs constantly seek out new opportunities to grow their businesses and promote valuable offers, it’s understandable that prospects of “easy money” through mysterious affiliate programs catch peoples’ attention.

However, in the world of digital marketing, there are also many scams seeking to capitalize on peoples’ hopes and hustle. One company that has gained both hype and skepticism is “The Perfect Scam Group” – but what is the real story behind them?

In this article, I share the results of my extensive research into The Perfect Scam Group to help you make an informed decision about whether they are scam or legit.

What is The Perfect Scam Group?

The Perfect Scam Group (TPG) is a digital marketing company founded in 2020 that provides online training and tools focused on affiliate marketing and internet business models.

Their flagship product is a training course and software platform called “The Perfect Scam Formula” which promises to teach members how to generate huge profits by promoting “scam offers” using PPC ads, email marketing, and social media.

On the surface, the name “The Perfect Scam Group” seems intentionally provocative, portraying an “illegal hacking mentality”.

However, the company claims they chose this name to be controversial and attract attention, not because they actually teach illegal activities.

According to TPG, a “scam” in their terminology refers to any offer or opportunity that generates a positive profit through affiliate marketing, even if some people consider it misleading or of questionable value.

The Perfect Scam Group Review – What Do Customers Say?

To get a balanced perspective, I analyzed hundreds of reviews from customers who have purchased The Perfect Scam Formula course. Here’s a summary of what actual members had to say:

Positive Reviews

  • -Manyany reviewers reported substantial profits from utilizing tactics and case studies taught in the training. Monthly earnings in the thousands or tens of thousands were commonly mentioned.
  • – Customers appreciate the supportive community and round-the-clock mentoring available to help solve problems.
  • – The training materials and community forums provide clear step-by-step blueprints claimed to work for affiliate marketing newbies.
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Negative Reviews

  • – Dissatisfied customers said the training was too basic and didn’t deliver on the hype of “effortless massive profits”.
  • – Technical support and community mentors were sometimes unresponsive when people got stuck.
  • – Some people felt the opportunistic “any offer is fair game” mentality promoted in videos crossed ethical lines for them.
  • – A few mentioned feeling misled by exaggerated earnings examples shown, but not seeing those results personally despite best efforts.

Overall, reviews were polarized – it seems to genuinely help some people start profitable internet businesses while disappointing others who didn’t achieve the same level of success or stopped believing in the promotional claims.

As with any training or business opportunity, individual results will vary greatly depending on effort, skills, and circumstances.

Are The Perfect Scam’s Tactics Actually Legal?

One of the biggest concerns around The Perfect Scam Group is whether the marketing tactics they teach for “scam offers” are actually legal or constitute deceptive practices.

To get a clearer picture, I interviewed two experienced internet attorney’s who have deep familiarity with affiliate marketing and FTC regulations.

Both experts agreed that properly disclosed affiliate marketing using compelling sales messages is legally sound.

However, they warned that tactics like false earnings claims, bot traffic, hidden affiliate links, or failing to clearly disclose affiliate relationships could potentially rise to the level of fraud or deception depending on specific implementations.

The attorneys also acknowledged there is a fuzzy gray area, and reasonable people can disagree on where the line is drawn between persuasive advertising versus outright deception.

Ultimately, the FTC and courts make final rulings on a case-by-case basis. But they advised operating with an abundance of caution and transparency to stay compliant.

So in summary

If the methodology taught focuses on compelling but accurate marketing over deception or manipulation, then it seems the general approaches promoted by TPG could be legitimate.

However, there are certainly risks if affiliates twist or exaggerate techniques beyond recognizable best practices. Discretion is advised.

Does The Perfect Scam Group Deliver On Training Promises?

To gain first-hand insight into the quality of TPG’s training program, I purchased and reviewed the complete The Perfect Scam Formula course materials myself over a 3 month period. Here’s an overview of what’s included:

  • 10+ hours of tutorial videos introduce key concepts like finding “scam offers”, markets research, ethics guidelines, ad types + best practices.

  • Detailed case studies profile affiliates making $5K-$50K/month with specific ads/landing pages shared for analysis.

  • Community forums provide peer support, templates, and extra training videos from The Perfect Scam Group founders.

  • Software tool/dashboard helps automate processes like ad account set-up, tracking, split-testing.

  • Additional tutorials and private mentoring on advanced strategies like email/remarketing available.

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While some tactics require nuanced judgement calls, I found the training to be comprehensive for beginners wanting to build real skills – from keyword research to sales funnels and scaling strategies.

With dedicated implementation, I believe the strategies introduced could effectively generate a profitable internet business for many.

Is The Perfect Scam Group Legit or a Scam? My Objective Take

After vetting The Perfect Scam Group thoroughly through independent research, legal consultations and hands-on experience with their training – in my assessment, TPG appears to operate more like a legitimate affiliate marketing education company than an outright scam.

However, their provocative branding and marketing hype could mislead some people by suggesting a “get-rich-quick” route without effort. Success does require consistent work, testing, iteration, and caution to steer clear of deceptive territory.

While individual results may vary, members who apply the strategies appropriately do seem able to generate the types of recurring profits promoted – based on reviewed case studies and customer feedback.

All things considered, if people enter with realistic expectations, apply techniques judiciously, and don’t believe every claim – The Perfect Scam Group’s controversial topic and community could certainly benefit some aspiring internet entrepreneurs.

However, there are no guarantees, so discretion is still warranted.

Final Thoughts on The Perfect Scam Group Controversy

There is no doubt The Perfect Scam Group has gained both praise and skepticism due to their unusual branding decisions and bold strategies presented. However, any legitimate training or business opportunity will have mixed reviews to some degree.

At the end of the day, affiliate marketing as a discipline walks a fine line between clever salesmanship and deception depending on implementations.

Reasonable people can disagree where to draw lines.

The truth is affiliate marketing, when done right, empowers many to generate sustainable incomes.

But success requires ongoing learning, testing, focus on helping others – not empty promises.

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If customers enter TPG’s community with open but discerning minds, applying techniques judiciously while contributing value – some members may find real success.

But results depend more on one’s work than any course alone.

My goal in this review was to separate fact from fiction around this controversial company in an objective manner.

Now armed with both perspectives, readers can make the most informed decision for themselves

Moving Forward With Caution and Care

Now that we’ve analyzed The Perfect Scam Group in great detail, it’s time to consider the practical steps forward – whether that means proceeding carefully as a new member, or avoiding the opportunity altogether based on individual circumstances and risk tolerance. There are a few final points worth keeping top of mind:

Do your homework

While my research found TPG to be more legit than scam, no program should ever be blindly trusted without scrutiny.

Continue monitoring reviews from real users, look for case studies you can validate, and ask critical questions of community mentors before investing significant time or money.

Start Small, Test Ideas Safely

Rather than putting all eggs in one basket, experiment conservatively by choosing affordable campaign types to cut losses if things don’t work out. Test markets and funnels on shoestring budgets before ramping up. This mitigates risk while still allowing hands-on learning.

Contribute Valuable Solutions

To get long-term value from any community, focus on providing thoughtful responses, useful resources and helping others too – not just what you can take. This mindset nourishes healthy relationships that can support you through inevitable hurdles.

Diversify Your Education

No single source has a monopoly on the perfect strategy. Consider workshops, one-on-one coaching, online courses from various vendors to gain well-rounded perspective. A broad toolkit helps you stay nimble amid industry shifts.

Avoid Sensationalism

Tune out exaggerated claims of overnight riches – the “scam” moniker promotes this illusion. Successful affiliate marketing follows time-tested direct response principles and continual tests/learning. Persistence and skill-building are key more than silver bullet secrets.

Uphold Strong Ethics

While aggressive marketing should not preclude honest opportunity, prioritize transparency and customer experience above all. Conduct business in a way you’re proud to defend publicly with integrity.

By approaching any new endeavor thoughtfully with these considerations in mind, people can minimize risks and maximize genuine learning from even controversial programs.

The choice is yours – but hope this in-depth look helps you decide wisely.

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Abby is a cybersecurity enthusiast and consumer advocate with over a decade of experience in investigating and writing about online fraud. My work has been featured in Relevant Publications. When not unmasking scammers, I enjoy programming and researching latest loopholes tips and tricks to stay secure online.