The Biggest Honeypot Scam on the BNB Chain Explained

The cryptocurrency space has seen its fair share of ponzi schemes and scams over the years seeking to prey on unsuspecting investors.

While many networks have dealt with such deceptive projects, the Binance Smart Chain in particular has been plagued by so-called “honeypots” – projects designed to trap people’s funds without the ability to withdraw.

In this detailed analysis, we’ll take a deep dive into arguably the largest and most notorious honeypot to impact the BNB chain – a project called Bearpool.

By understanding how Bearpool operated and what red flags were missed, our aim is to educate readers on how to identify similar scams and make more informed investment decisions going forward.

Let’s start our examination of Bearpool by looking at how it originated and gained initial popularity…

Introduction to the Biggest Honeypot Scam on the BNB Chain

Bearpool launched in early 2022 with a concept that seemed intriguing on the surface – it was marketed as a decentralized protocol that would allow users to participate in yield farming through staking liquidity pool (LP) tokens.

Like many similar projects seeking to draw people in, it offered aggressively high staking rewards in the form of its native BRPOOL token.

In its initial weeks, Bearpool gained traction through partnerships with various influencers and websites in the BSC ecosystem who promoted the opportunity without doing proper due diligence.

This external promotion, combined with a lack of transparency about the project’s fundamentals, succeeded in luring many users to stake sizable amounts hoping to profit.

According to on-chain data, at its peak Bearpool had over 60,000 BNB worth of assets locked within its smart contracts. This amounted to tens of millions of dollars entrusted to the developers behind the project based on little more than promises of outsized yields.

As is so often the case in the crypto Wild West, promises of easy, risk-free profits with no evidence of a sustainable business model should have been major red flags.

However, amidst a bull market atmosphere, many turned a blind eye in their rush to accumulate more of Binance’s BNB token and its various spin-offs.

Let’s examine some of the warning signs that were ignored in those initial weeks that hinted Bearpool might not be all it seemed…

Red Flags Ignored in Bearpool’s Early Days

Looking back with clearer perspective, there were multiple unanswered questions and obvious red flags surrounding Bearpool prior to its honeypot status being confirmed:

Lack of Doxxed Team: The identity and credentials of those behind Bearpool were never revealed. In the crypto space, anonymity is common but not having any details about a project’s leadership is a major warning sign, as it provides no accountability.

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No Code Audit: No independent third-party audit of Bearpool’s smart contract codes was conducted prior to launch. This left users with no assurance there were no technical vulnerabilities that could be exploited.

Unsustainable APYs: Yield farming rewards upwards of 300% APY should have been seen as too good to be true. There was no proof of how those unsustainably high profits could realistically be maintained.

No Clear Use Case: The value proposition and use cases for Bearpool’s BRPOOL token were vague and non-specific. It wasn’t clear how the project aimed to provide true utility or business model beyond speculation.

No Whitepaper: A detailed whitepaper laying out the project’s vision, tokenomics, and roadmap was noticeably absent. This lack of transparency into Bearpool’s fundamentals should have raised major concerns.

Aggressive Marketing: Bearpool clearly prioritized promoting itself for short-term gains rather than building a credible reputation and community over the long run. Promises of earnings took priority over facts.

The Unraveling of Bearpool

Despite so many obvious warning signs, many investors chose to look the other way as their BRPOOL balances increased each week. But it didn’t take long before Bearpool’s true fraudulent nature was revealed in a very public and damaging way.

In April 2022, just 2 months after its launch, users discovered it had become impossible to withdraw or unstake their funds from Bearpool as promised. This triggered the protocol into ’emergency shutdown’ mode, with all activity grinding to a halt and the team disappearing entirely.

Naturally, this sparked major outrage within the BSC community as tens of millions of dollars worth of assets had effectively been stolen. Accusations arose that Bearpool was an elaborate honeypot scheme from the very beginning, designed only to extract value from investors before shutting off all exits.

Further examination of Bearpool’s code supported this, as reviewers found it was fully centralized and controlled by anonymous parties who held the key to drain all funds at any time. No decentralized or community aspects were incorporated whatsoever.

The developers and promoters behind Bearpool proceeded to ghost the entire project, deleting all associated social media accounts and websites. Their true identities were never revealed. To this day Bearpool remains inoperative, leaving users with no recourse for recovering their stolen investments.

It was a painful lesson for many in the dangers of overlooking red flags and promoting hype over due diligence. But by dissecting the details of how Bearpool defrauded so many, there are valuable lessons that can be extracted to help identify similar scams in the future.

Lessons Learned from the Bearpool Honeypot

Do thorough research on any project before investing. Don’t fall for marketing hype alone or promises of easy profits. Verify team credentials, audit codes, examine use cases and business models critically.

Be wary of anonymous teams. Lack of transparency into who is truly behind a project is a massive warning sign, as it provides no accountability. Reputable developers dox themselves.

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Question unsustainably high rewards. Anything promising multi-hundred percent APY returns is extremely unrealistic and not backed by solid economics. Profits don’t magically appear from nothing.

Avoid projects with no clear use case or utility. Crypto assets should provide real-world use or functionality, not exist solely for speculation. Absence of a defined competitive advantage or moat is a red flag.

Carefully vet recommended links and promotions. Influencers are often paid to promote without vetting. Do your homework to scrutinize any project before investing based on a third-party endorsement alone.

Ensure smart contracts are audited by reputable firms. Code reviews provide assurance that vulnerabilities don’t leave funds at risk of being hacked or stolen. Savings should never be deposited without such assurances.

Don’t ignore multiple concurrent red flags. Even one warning sign may be explainable, but several together drastically increase probability of a scam. Where there’s smoke, there is often fire that prudent investors do well to avoid.

The fallout from scams like Bearpool can be ruinous both financially and psychologically for victims. But with improved vigilance applying the kinds of best practices and guidance outlined here, the crypto community as a whole can better inoculate itself against such fraudulent schemes going forward.

A Case Study: I Got Scammed

One particularly illuminating account of how Bearpool’s deception unfolded comes from a YouTuber who goes by ‘I Got Scammed.’ In a detailed video analysis and follow-up posts, they openly chronicled their experience of falling victim to Bearpool’s hype and losing a substantial investment as a result.

Some key takeaways from their story:

They were drawn to Bearpool through promoted tweets from influencers without vetting the project thoroughly themselves first. High APY rewards and rapid appreciation of their BRPOOL balance led to overconfidence versus objectively questioning the sustainability.

Failure to properly assess the multitude of obvious red flags like an anonymous team and absence of documentation. Significant sunk cost fallacy led to dismissing concerns and rationalizing issues rather than acknowledging risks. Losing tens of thousands of dollars in assets was economically and emotionally devastating.

In publicly sharing their mistake, ‘I Got Scammed’ performed a valuable service by helping educate others on the red flags they missed. Their story serves as a sobering case study of how even experienced crypto investors can be motivated by greed to turn a blind eye to danger signs if rewards seem promising enough in the short term.

The most important lessons from their regretful experience center around the need for impartial, rigorous investigation of any project’s legitimacy before investing. Overreliance on hype and third-party endorsements without independent verification is a recipe for hazards like falling for sophisticated honeypot schemes.

Prudent diligence requires not just acknowledging warning flags, but having the courage to walk away from questionable prospects no matter how appealing they seem or how much peer pressure exists to participate. In the end, protecting one’s capital has to take precedence over fears of missing out or temporary gains that could ultimately prove illusory.

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Now that we’ve analyzed Bearpool’s rise and fall in depth, as well as learned broader lessons for protecting against similar scams, it’s important to also examine how the BSC community has responded and initiatives that have formed in the aftermath…

Community Response and Anti-Scam Initiatives

The brazenness and scale of the Bearpool honeypot understandably outraged many within Binance Smart Chain’s user base. In the weeks following, discussions intensified around the need for coordinated action to help frustrated victims while also enacting preventative measures.

This motivated grassroots efforts like the Bearpool Scam Victims group on Telegram, which serves as a support network and avenue to pool analytics resources in an ongoing investigation. Meanwhile, DEXes and protocols quickly blacklisted associated Bearpool addresses to halt any potential subsequent phishing attempts.

The publicity also spurred projects like BSC Checker, ScamSecurity and others focused on due diligence tools. By aggregating metrics like contract analyses, team profiles and community sentiment, their aim is to screen for red flags and rate risk levels to help users make evidence-based judgments.

Perhaps most notably, it galvanized Binance itself into taking stronger preventative action through their Smart Chain division. Some key measures now in place include: Stricter reviewing/auditing requirements for listed tokens via the Launchpool service.

‘Flagged Contracts’ feature to warn users about addresses involved with known scam or faulty projects. Promoting best practices like source code audits, legal incorporations and transparent teams for all projects building on BSC.

While no approach can completely eliminate deceptive actors, a community-wide push for increased education and higher diligence standards has undoubtedly made the Binance Smart Chain ecosystem much more resilient and less vulnerable to sophisticated honeypots overall.

Individual responsibility also remains crucial – with eyes wide open, prudent investors focused on validation over validation can far better avoid the same pitfalls that ensnared so many concerning projects like Bearpool. An ongoing commitment to learning serves as the best long-term protection.

To wrap up our examination, let’s summarize the key takeaways investors and builders should retain…

Conclusion on the Biggest Honeypot Scam on the BNB Chain

Through the rise and fall of Bearpool, the BSC community gained a painful but instructive case study in the techniques employed by sophisticated honeypot schemes seeking to profit through deception.

By understanding how it operated and what signs were missed, important lessons emerge: Rigorous independent research must supersede promises of easy gain or third-party endorsements alone. Projects with anonymous teams, suspect risk factors or unsustainable models deserve extra scrutiny.

Prevention necessitates both community solutions like education/diligence tools as well as individual accountability in decision making. No level of experience or past success inoculates against greedy impatience that ignores obvious danger signs. Support for victims of fraud helps minimize discouragement; combined efforts strengthen protective measures long-term.

While crypto will likely always contend with malicious actors, raising standards of transparency, accountably and evidence-based investing serves to marginalize deceptive forces over time.

By keeping awareness high and diligence paramount based on wisdom gained from unfortunate incidents, investors can significantly reduce vulnerability to similar scams.

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Abby is a cybersecurity enthusiast and consumer advocate with over a decade of experience in investigating and writing about online fraud. My work has been featured in Relevant Publications. When not unmasking scammers, I enjoy programming and researching latest loopholes tips and tricks to stay secure online.