Is Tangchat Scam or Legit? Uncovering The Truth

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Ever heard of the social networking app Tangchat and wondered if it was a scam or actually legitimate? You’re not alone – as a relatively new platform, Tangchat has raised some eyebrows and questions around whether users can really trust it with their data and privacy.

In this in-depth review, I’ll be taking a close look at Tangchat to help shed light on whether it should be considered a scam or if it’s actually a legit social platform.

We’ll be exploring topics like how the app works, its data policies, privacy and security, monetization strategies, reviews from users, and more.

If you read this article till the end, you to have a well-rounded understanding of Tangchat so you can make an informed decision about using it yourself.

Let’s get started!

What is Tangchat Scam?

Tangchat is a “global social network where you can chat, video call and share moments with anyone.” Here are the basic functions:

  • Profile – Create a profile with your profile photo, name, brief bio, website/social links.
  • Feed – See a stream of updates from your connections, including photos, videos, locations and more.
  • Chat – Send text, voice, video and image messages to other users either publicly or privately.
  • Video & Voice Calls – Make video calls directly within the app or through browser pop-up windows.
  • Sharing – Share updates, photos, videos and your location with followers.
  • Follow/Followers – Follow other accounts and see who follows you back. Limited to 5000 followers per account.
  • Groups – Join or create public/private groups based on interests to share and communicate.

The interface is quite similar to Facebook in layout and functionality. The big differentiator is its emphasis on chat, video/voice calls and focus on connecting with any other Tangchat user rather than relying on existing social networks.

All in all, the core functions work relatively seamlessly in my testing. It provides a simple yet full-featured social platform experience for connecting, sharing and communicating with others.

Is Tangchat Safe and Secure?

When it comes to a new social platform, privacy and security are major concerns for users. After all, we’re entrusting these apps with sensitive personal information. So how does Tangchat stack up in this department?

Data Privacy and Collection

Let’s first look at Tangchat’s official Privacy Policy. Some key points:

  • Tangchat collects basic user data like name, profile details, contacts, photos/videos shared, chat history, payments info (if used).
  • They also collect analytics data like device/network info, app usage, crash reports for troubleshooting.
  • All data is stored on secured servers with encryption in transit and at rest.
  • They do not sell user data to third parties or use it for targeted ads.
  • Users have the option to delete their account and request data removal at any time.
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Overall, the data collection appears reasonably minimal and focused only on basic account functionality. Encryption for security during transmission and storage is also a promising sign.

A potential red flag could be the lack of transparency around server locations. But based on other details provided, Tangchat’s data handling practices seem relatively privacy-focused for a social platform of its size.

Security Features

When creating an account, Tangchat enforces password requirements like length, complexity and changing periodically. Two-factor authentication via SMS codes is also available as an optional security layer for logging in.

Additionally, many common security best practices seem to have been implemented:

  • HTTPS encryption for all sessions
  • Automatic account/session termination for logged in devices
  • Monitoring and blocking of suspicious login attempts
  • Regular vulnerability testing by independent security firms
  • Education around safe internet habits for users

While no platform can fully prevent determined attacks, Tangchat appears to have the baseline security measures in place to reasonably protect user accounts and data. Having two-factor authentication as an option further enhances protection for those who need it.

So in summary, while not perfect, Tangchat’s data privacy policy and technical security implementations seem above board for a platform of its size and scope. I didn’t find any glaring issues that would immediately make me distrustful of using the service.

How Does Tangchat Make Money?

Any business needs to generate revenues to survive long-term. So how does Tangchat monetize its free social platform without compromising users?

Looking more closely, Tangchat utilizes a few different approaches:

Premium Subscriptions

For $4.99/month or $49.99/year, users can subscribe to “Tangchat Pro” for perks like:

  • Increased followers/chat limits
  • Ad-free experience
  • Custom username verification
  • Live streaming and more

A common strategy for many apps/sites these days. Voluntary subscriptions avoid over-reliance on user data exploitation.

In-App Purchases

Things like fancy chat themes, filters, reactions packs etc. can be purchased using Tangchat’s virtual currency obtained through subscriptions, paid plans or direct purchase.

Affiliate Revenue Share

Select merchant/business partners get featured on Tangchat who share affiliate revenues from sales/bookings generated from platform exposure.

Strategic Investments

As a young startup, Tangchat has also raised funding from venture capital firms to fuel ongoing development without depending too heavily on users yet.

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In summary, Tangchat seems to be experimenting reasonably with premium subscriptions, purchases and partnerships for money – avoiding over-reliance on user data monetization practises like targeted ads that compromise privacy. This balanced approach helps build more trustworthiness.

What Do Users Say About Tangchat?

To get a balanced perspective, I checked reviews and discussions from real Tangchat users to understand common sentiments. Here’s a summary:

Positive Feedback

  • Simple, well-designed interface that’s easy to use
  • Useful features like chats, calls and groups for connecting globally
  • Growing community that’s welcoming and inclusive
  • Responsive customer support for resolving issues

Constructive Criticism

  • Some bugs and glitches reported especially during app/feature launches
  • Needs more active, viral users for a fully engaging experience
  • Video/audio call reliability could still improve
  • More language/geo-specific content desires


  • Occasional server outages disrupting chat delivery
  • Frustration with chat censorship or banning policies at times
  • Login/verification issues especially during busy periods
  • Non-intuitive settings/configuration in some areas

Overall, Tangchat seems well-liked by its core users for the unique value proposition. Complaints appear centered around typical growing pains rather than integrity/trust issues. The developer also seems to be addressing concerns appropriately via feedback forums.

So while not perfect yet as a young platform, reviews don’t point to any major ongoing “scam” activities – more just standard technical and community management challenges of a growing global social app.

Is Tangchat Scam or Legit? Final Thought

After a thorough review of how Tangchat works, its policies, security practices, monetization and actual user feedback – here are my conclusions on whether it should be considered a scam:

The Positives:

  • Open about data practices and focuses on privacy/security appropriately
  • Core social features function smoothly without hidden agendas
  • Actively invested in by reputable VCs for long-term growth
  • Monetization utilizes premium options avoiding excessive ads/datasales
  • Transparent about features, policies and responsive to concerns

Room For Improvement:

  • Continue strengthening infrastructure to reduce outages/bugs
  • Be more transparent about exact server locations
  • Address occasional policy/censorship complaints constructively
  • Guide fledgling community toward more positive engagement

Verdict: Legit But Still Evolving

While not 100% flawless yet due to its scale and age, Tangchat displays all the signs of an authentic, ethically-run social platform intent on long-term sustainable growth – rather than a quick cash grab scam.

It has seemingly implemented reasonable privacy, security and business practices. The core proposition delivers real value without hidden agendas. And feedback shows issues are addressed actively by a team focused on building user trust over time.

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Naturally, as with any social app, vigilance around policies and behavior is still advisable. But based on all available transparency and empirical use – Tangchat does not exhibit red flags of being an outright “scam” in my opinion. It appears to be a legit, promising new community still refining its model.

Regular evaluation is still encouraged over time. But for now, I’d say give Tangchat an open and fair chance to prove itself further as a trustworthy platform. The signs point more toward a developing yet legitimate option, not a fishy operation to outright avoid.

Those are my impartial findings on whether Tangchat should be considered a scam or a legit social platform based on extensive research. Hopefully this in-depth review helped provide you informed insights in making your own best judgment call.

FAQ About Tangchat Scam

What is Tangchat scam?

When Tangchat first launched, some users wondered if it was a scam due to its unusually high engagement rates and fears around privacy. However, after extensive research, there is no evidence that Tangchat is an outright scam.

While not perfect, Tangchat appears to be a legit social media platform that implements reasonable security practices and focuses on building user trust over time.

How can I protect my privacy on Tangchat?

To protect your privacy on Tangchat, you should carefully review the app’s privacy settings and disable permissions that aren’t needed.

You can also make your profile and posts private instead of public. Using a strong and unique password is also advised.

For added security, consider enabling two-factor authentication via SMS codes for logging in. Avoid sharing personal information that you wouldn’t share publicly elsewhere online too.

Is it safe to share my number on Tangchat?

In general, it’s safer not to share your direct phone number on social media platforms unless you fully trust the community and the platform’s privacy protections.

On Tangchat, you have the option to provide your number only for optional two-factor authentication during account signup, which is a more secure way to verify identity than sharing openly.

For direct contact, you’re better off exchanging numbers privately with people you know after building some trust on the platform first.

Final Thoughts

To summarize, based on my research Tangchat does not appear to be an outright scam. While continuing to improve, the platform implements reasonable data privacy and security practices.

It offers genuine social features without hidden monetization tactics. Feedback also shows the developers actively addressing issues constructively.

For users, Tangchat seems a legitimate option worth considering for its unique social proposition – just use standard privacy precautions as you would on any platform.

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Abby is a cybersecurity enthusiast and consumer advocate with over a decade of experience in investigating and writing about online fraud. My work has been featured in Relevant Publications. When not unmasking scammers, I enjoy programming and researching latest loopholes tips and tricks to stay secure online.