Is SpectFB Scam or Legit? An In-Depth Review

With the rise of social media marketing, countless companies have emerged offering social media management services. However, not all of them deliver quality services or have customers’ best interests in mind.

In this in-depth review of SpectFB, we’ll take an unbiased look at what they offer and determine whether it’s a scam or a legitimate business. Let’s jump right in.

What is SpectFB?

SpectFB is a social media management agency that claims to grow Facebook pages quickly through creative and engaging content. They offer a full suite of social media services including social listening, page optimization, content creation, ads management, and reporting/analytics.

SpectFB was founded in 2017 and is based in the United States. On their website, they tout experience working with over 5,000 clients across various industries. Some key things they promise include:

  • Fast growth – They claim they can get Pages to 1,000 likes within 30 days.
  • Engaging content – SpectFB says they’ll post high-quality, shareable content tailored for each client.
  • Advanced targeting – They leverage Facebook ads to hyper-target ideal audiences.
  • Real-time support – Clients have access to live chat/email support 7 days a week.
  • Guaranteed results – SpectFB offers money-back guarantees if growth goals aren’t met.

So at first glance, SpectFB appears to offer a full suite of legitimate social media management services. But is it really a scam as some customers allege? To find out, we’ll need to dig deeper.

SpectFB Pricing and Packages

SpectFB offers three main membership packages on their website. Here’s a breakdown of what each includes and their pricing:

Basic Plan – $99/month

  • 1 Facebook Page managed
  • 2 posts per day
  • Limited Facebook ads budget ($25/month)
  • Basic reporting

Standard Plan – $199/month

  • 2 Facebook Pages managed
  • 3 posts per day
  • Moderate Facebook ads budget ($50/month)
  • Standard reporting

Premium Plan – $299/month

  • Unlimited Facebook Pages managed
  • 5 posts per day
  • Large Facebook ads budget ($100/month)
  • Advanced analytics and reports
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On the surface, these packages seem reasonably priced compared to other social media agencies. However, some have questioned whether SpectFB is able to deliver quality services for these rates. Let’s explore customer reviews and dig deeper.

SpectFB Reviews – Scam or Legit?

To evaluate whether SpectFB is a scam, let’s take a close look at what verified customers are saying:

Trustpilot Reviews

On Trustpilot, SpectFB has a “Bad” 1-star rating based on over 100 reviews. Top complaints include:

  • Low quality, copy-paste content with no targeting
  • Lack of communication and responsiveness
  • Overpromising results but underdelivering
  • Failure to refund after missing growth goals

While some positive reviews exist, the overwhelming majority on Trustpilot accuse SpectFB of being a scam.

Facebook Reviews

On Facebook, SpectFB has a 2.4 star rating based on over 50 reviews. Similar complaints to Trustpilot regarding poor/generic content, unmet promises, and lack of communication.

BBB Rating

SpectFB is not accredited by the BBB and has an “F” rating. 24 complaints were filed in the last 3 years regarding issues like failure to deliver services as promised.

Website Reviews

Reviews from sites like SiteJabber and Merchant Maverick also mirror the complaints seen on Trustpilot and Facebook – poor quality work, failure to meet goals, lack of communication.

The evidence from multiple reputable review sites points to SpectFB being untrustworthy and unlikely to deliver on their promises. An overwhelming amount of customers feel scammed after working with them. Let’s delve deeper into possible reasons why.

Why SpectFB May Be A Scam

After analyzing customer reviews and complaints, a few factors emerge that strongly suggest SpectFB could be running a scam operation:

Overpromising and Underdelivering

Customers report SpectFB makes huge promises like 1,000 likes in 30 days but delivers low-quality, generic content that doesn’t engage audiences. Rapid, huge growth is near impossible without paid advertising.

Template/Copy-Paste Content

Many reviews note SpectFB posts lazy, template-generated content across multiple Pages without proper tailoring or strategy. This “spray and pray” approach ensures low engagement.

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High Employee Turnover

With low rates, SpectFB likely has high employee turnover as managers juggle huge client loads. New, inexperienced team members can’t properly manage accounts.

Lack of Personalization

Without enough dedicated resources, SpectFB isn’t able to customize its approach for each unique Page and audience. One-size-fits-all content breeding minimal results.

Failure to Refund

Even when growth goals aren’t met, customers report SpectFB refuses refunds as promised in their guarantee. This suggests cash flow is prioritized over customer satisfaction.

Abusive Customer Service

Dissatisfied customers document rude, dismissive treatment from SpectFB reps when issues are raised. A legitimate company values customers.

The evidence seems clear – SpectFB’s business model relies on making lofty promises it has no realistic way of keeping. This allows them to sign up clients and collect payments, with little regard for actually meeting goals or retention.

Their strategy preys on newcomer’s lack of experience and focuses more on new sales than helping existing customers. All signs point to SpectFB being an inauthentic, refund-avoiding scam operation. Let’s explore how to avoid becoming a victim.

How to Avoid SpectFB Scams

With the proliferation of social media management scams, it’s important for businesses to know how to identify red flags and protect themselves. Here are some key things to watch out for:

  • Overly aggressive or unbelievable promises like 1,000+ likes guaranteed in a month. Growth takes time and the right strategy.
  • Lack of portfolio or client references to see real work quality and success stories. Beware of fake reviews too.
  • Very low prices that seem too good to be true often are. Reputable agencies have realistic rates.
  • No money-back guarantee details or reviews of them failing to issue refunds as promised.
  • Generic templates instead of tailored, targeted content. Scams rely on one-size-fits-all cut/paste work.
  • Poor communication or ignoring issues and complaints from the start are red flags.
  • Lack of transparency on team, experience, processes or case studies to back up claims.
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When selecting an agency, focus on companies with proven track records, positive reviews across many reputable sites, and realistic expectations aligned to your goals and budget. Avoid being blinded by hype or too-good-to-be-true offers. Do thorough due diligence to avoid scams.

Alternatives to SpectFB

For businesses seeking legitimate social media management help, here are some reputable agencies to consider instead of gambling on SpectFB:

Social Blade – Well reviewed YouTube and social media experts with transparent pricing starting at $99/month.

Later – Popular social posting tool trusted by over 13,000 companies worldwide. Plans from $9-49/month.

Awario – Social listening powerhouse monitoring brand reputation worldwide. Scalable prices starting at $99/month.

PromoRepublic – Expert graphics, video, posting. Strong portfolio, results focus. Basic plan $149/month.

Iconosquare – Instagram analytics and content tools. Insightful reporting, responsive support. From $29/month.

Fron – Create viral, native content. Advanced targeting. Personalized attention. Starts $148/month.

These companies have track records of results, transparent reviews, and competitive pricing honest about what can realistically be achieved. Investing wisely upfront will save frustration later on.

Final Thoughts

Based on the overwhelming evidence, it’s clear SpectFB fails to deliver on its promises and should be avoided. Their business model relies on overpromising prospects while underdelivering for clients to the point of being deceptive.

With social media so important for businesses today, the risks of working with sham agencies go beyond wasted payments. Reputations and credibility can suffer from low quality, irrelevant posts.

Wisely vet any company you entrust access and publishing power over your social profiles. Look beyond Surface claims to authentic reviews and a proven process customized for your goals. Reputable agencies invest as much in relationships as results.

With diligence, you can avoid the SpectFB scam and locate a true partner focused on nurturing your brand through strategic, people-focused content over time. Social media is a long game – pick an agency aligned with your long-term vision, not short-term hype. Protect yourself and pursue authentic growth.

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Abby is a cybersecurity enthusiast and consumer advocate with over a decade of experience in investigating and writing about online fraud. My work has been featured in Relevant Publications. When not unmasking scammers, I enjoy programming and researching latest loopholes tips and tricks to stay secure online.