Is OTK Charity Scam or Legit? Reviews and Complaints

Charity scams involving popular gaming figures and organizations have become an unfortunately common occurrence lately.

The latest high-profile case centers around One True King (OTK), a gaming and lifestyle organization founded by prominent Twitch streamers Asmongold and Mizkif.

Along with other OTK members, they helped raise over $600,000 for charity through a 2021 Pokémon card unboxing livestream event. However, it was later revealed that only around half of those donated funds actually went to the charity.

This article will analyze the OTK charity scandal by focusing specifically on the various reviews and complaints that have emerged. We’ll look at responses and criticisms from streamers, journalists, charity experts, and fans.

Exploring these reactions can provide deeper insight into where things potentially went wrong, how the gaming community feels betrayed, and what future steps are needed to rebuild trust around charitable initiatives.

Background of OTK Charity Scam

In December 2023, journalists Jacob Wolf and Hunter Cooke published an explosive investigative report claiming that millions in Twitch charity donations never made it to the intended causes.

They focused specifically on a Atlanta-based marketing company called Softgiving, which organized charity streams featuring some of Twitch’s biggest names.

Over 2020 and 2021, Softgiving ran streams for a children’s charity named Games for Love. Popular streamers like Asmongold, Mizkif, xQc, Ludwig, and members of OTK helped raise almost $6.2 million.

However, tax filings showed that only around $3.6 million went to the charity. The other nearly $2.6 million lined Softgiving’s pockets. This includes expenses like influencer fees that were not clearly disclosed to donors.

Additionally, the funds took an obscure route. Instead of going directly to the charity, donations first passed through a third party called Giving Foundation.

This foundation serves as an intermediary that collects funds before distributing them. Experts consider this approach quite unusual and suboptimal for online charitable campaigns.

So in summary – tens of millions raised by popular streamers, almost half disappeared along the way, and donations took a strange trip through third parties. This forms the basis for the brewing outrage among fans who feel their generosity and trust was abused.

Streamers React to Revelations of Missing Funds and Lack of Transparency

The investigative report immediately captured gamers’ and streamers’ attention worldwide. Many expressed shock that such a large portion of publicly-raised funds never made it to charitable causes.

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Streamers who participated in Softgiving charity events also faced tough questions about their potential awareness and involvement.

xQc, one of Twitch’s top performers, took part in the Pokémon unboxing stream in question. Upon learning that nearly half the proceeds lined other pockets, he admitted that the lack of transparency was unacceptable:

“We weren’t aware of this information at the time. And now that we are, we will not be working with Softgiving anymore.”

He distanced himself from future involvement with the shady organization. Other streamers like political commentator HasanAbi echoed similar refrains:

“I wasn’t aware of the contractual details with Softgiving. I didn’t know the percentages they were taking. Going forward I obviously won’t be working with them anymore.”

But despite claims of ignorance, many still criticize these top-tier streamers for not performing better due diligence. As major influencers collecting five to six figure payouts for charity streams, shouldn’t they research organizations more thoroughly before directing millions in donations?

Industry insiders explain that talent agencies and management firms must also shoulder part of the blame. These are the entities arranging branding partnerships between streamers and companies like Softgiving.

They should have vetted the fundraising processes better, putting charity transparency requirements right in the talent contracts.

All parties underestimated public and regulatory scrutiny of online fundraising drives. But that oversight window has now blown wide open.

Charity Industry Experts Skeptical of Commission-Based Fundraising Tactics

Within the nonprofit sector, industry watchdog groups have a wary eye fixed firmly on Softgiving’s questionable tactics.

The National Council of Nonprofits stated they disapprove of commission-based fundraising arrangements in which third parties take cuts upfront. This model lends itself too easily towards abuse.

Critics point out that true philanthropic initiatives should centered around nonprofit principles like transparency and ethical integrity. Any intermediary layers between donors and causes requiring assistance destroys too much public trust.

Charity Navigator, which evaluates over 8,000 American charities, refused to give Softgiving any rating. Spokesperson Laurie Styron remarked:

“Charity Navigator does not rate organizations that don’t meet our traditional understanding of a nonprofit.”

She went on say their financial practices appear to be an “exploitation” and “abuse” of the fundraising process.

Other experts highlight that even legitimate non-government organizations (NGOs) limit third party commissions to 10-15% maximum. So for an intermediary like Softgiving to claim nearly 50% through vague “expenses” seems outrageous and unethical.

This widespread industry condemnation doesn’t bode well for public perception of the company either.

Angry Donors and Fans React to Feeling Misled

Perhaps the most scathing criticisms originates from everyday donors and gaming fans who watched the unfolding scandal in disbelief.

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Supporters gave their hard-earned money to what they thought was an ethical cause for sick children. Learning that celebrity streamers and shady corporatizations pocketed such a disproportionate cut without full transparency fueled deep outrage.

Many call the lack of oversight by figures like Asmongold and Mizkif unforgivable. As OTK founders, shouldn’t they have had rigorous controls on how sponsored charity streams were organized and what percentage actually went to beneficiaries?

Instead, they seemed to blindly trust Softgiving’s questionable distribution methods without independent verification.

Fans also lambast the short-lived apology statements as hollow lip service. Figures like xQc vaguely pledged to not work with Softgiving in the future. But shouldn’t there be accountability for past failure to vet adequately?

Most call for refunds or redistributed donations to make things right.

Under Reddit threads about the scandal, fans vent and question if they can ever view these top streamers the same again:

“I’m disgusted. My younger brother has leukemia and loved watching these OTK streams thinking it would help other kids. Now half that money went into some corporate pockets instead. Never watching them again.”

_”No one should get rich off money meant for sick children. Asmongold and the rest are frauds if they don’t publicly refund all the money that Softgiving stole.”

“Don’t just stop working with them! Give back the money you took unethically!”

This raw outrage by former supporters demonstrates the immense sense of betrayal swirling around the situation. It poses real reputation risks for figures like Asmongold if transparency and restitution isn’t made.

High profile gaming personalities might move on swiftly to the next streaming event. But fans and donors impacted demand better accountability when trust around charity gets violated to such extremes.

Lingering Questions Loom About Softgiving’s Rebranding and Lawsuit

In response to intensifying public pressure, Softgiving underwent major rebranding efforts in early 2023. The company changed names to Brandfluence and claims to no longer hold performance-based nonprofit contracts.

But critics remain skeptical whether these moves solely served as surface level reputation recovery tactics. The organization still retains the same central leadership and questionable business approaches.

Others also highlighted Brandfluence’s aggressive defamation lawsuit against original whistleblower Jacob Wolf and various codefendants.

Rather than fully addressing substantiated claims about questionable practices, Brandfluence immediately attempted silencing detractors through legal intimidation. Many interpret this as clear admission of guilt around the alleged charity misdeeds.

Here again Asmongold, Mizkif, and affiliated streamers distance themselves from any involvement. But the nuanced connections still leave many wondering what they knew and when.

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Did OTK leadership intentionally ignore red flags right in front of them? Or were backdoor financial dealings intentionally obscured to keep influencer partnerships flowing?

Without satisfactory explanations, fans struggle to give stars like Asmongold benefit of the doubt. And the reputational free fall continues rendered by their very public silence.

The waters remain murky around exactly how much OTK heads and reps understood in advance. But these lingering question marks continue fueling online complaints until full transparency gets provided.

The Road Ahead: Preventing Repeat Gaming Charity Scandals

Looking ahead, the gaming community seethes with calls for accountability and safeguards to prevent such large scale nonprofit exploitation from ever recurring. But achieving this requires commitment from all stakeholder groups involved:

For individual streamers, they must thoroughly vet any company before allowing fundraising drives utilizing their brands. Ironclad contracts should mandate donations reach intended destinations, barring any unauthorized intermediary commissions.

That also requires rejecting opacity around where funds flow. Access to the charity’s own financial records provides necessary assurance. Streamers should regularly verify donations reached intended recipients, rather than blindly trusting partners.

For organizations like OTK, implementing organization wide policies prohibiting unauthorized commission fees strengthens integrity. Members should be barred from participation without thorough vetting and approval by leadership. Centralized oversight reduces risk of rogue deals that ultimately damage credibility.

For management agencies and brand partners, ethics must supersede profits around charity drives. That means limiting own cuts to reasonable amounts, with guaranteed pass through to causes.

Rather than vaguely labeling large percentages as “expenses”, itemized breakdowns maintain transparency. Developing industry standards around reasonable compensation caps also promotes fairness.

For audience and donors, sustaining public attention acts as crucial deterrence. Outrage must persist until satisfactory explanations and reforms emerge. Maintaining vocal skepticism if partnerships quietly continue with rebranded entities also applies pressure.

Across all fronts, sustainable change requires unwavering commitment, vigilance and pressure from fans and participants alike. Allowing exploitative behavior to fade quietly from the news cycle guarantees some other opportunist will recycle the same financial abuse again.

By spotlighting these complaints and demands clearly, everyone better understands expectations moving forward. The gaming world can leverage the scar tissue from this event to build back even stronger.

Fan passion that propelled record breaking fundraising must now double as fuel to insist upon full transparency and accountability when trust around charitable initiatives gets violated so terribly.

Sincere reform – not just lip service – will determine whether creators like Asmongold ever truly earn back their communities’ faith after such deep wounds. But either way, the playbook on deceitful nonprofit practices has gotten shredded beyond repair for all future reference.

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Abby is a cybersecurity enthusiast and consumer advocate with over a decade of experience in investigating and writing about online fraud. My work has been featured in Relevant Publications. When not unmasking scammers, I enjoy programming and researching latest loopholes tips and tricks to stay secure online.