Is Giftfors Scam or Legit? An In-Depth Review

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When searching online for attractive gift ideas, many of us have likely come across Offering a wide selection of gifts at seemingly low prices, Giftfors appears almost too good to be true. But is it actually a scam, or can you really get quality gifts for cheap through this site?

In this review, I’ll be taking an in-depth look at everything you need to know to determine whether Giftfors is legit or a scam. Through rigorous research and analysis of the site itself as well as customer reviews, I aim to provide a well-rounded understanding of Giftfors to help you make an informed decision.

If you read till the end, you’ll understand how Giftfors works, the pros and cons, and whether you can feel confident shopping there. Let’s get started!

How Giftfors Works

Founded in 2015, Giftfors bills itself as “Your #1 Online Gifts Store”. Browsing the site, you’ll find a wide selection of gift items across various categories like flowers, chocolates, toys, apparel and more. Prices range from around $10 to $100 depending on the item.

The checkout process is straightforward – simply add items to your cart, enter your shipping and payment details, and confirm the order. Giftfors accepts major credit/debit cards as well as PayPal.

Where things get confusing is in the shipping policies. Giftfors ships globally but shipping times and costs vary greatly depending on location. While US shipping is listed at 2-7 business days, times for other countries range from 7-30 days and costs are not clearly disclosed upfront.

Returns are permitted within 30 days, though you need to pay return shipping costs yourself. Giftfors also has a rewards program where you earn 5% cashback on purchases, credited as “Giftfors Bucks” to use on future orders.

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On the surface, Giftfors operates like any other large online gift retailer. But is everything really as it seems? To find out, we’ll need to dig deeper.

The Controversy: Giftfors Scam Accusations

While Giftfors portrays itself as a legitimate business, numerous customers have accused the site of being a complete scam. hosts over 50 complaints from unhappy Giftfors customers, outlining the following common issues:

  • Products Not As Described: Customers report receiving gifts that are low-quality knockoffs, broken/damaged, or completely different than pictured on the site.
  • Long, Indefinite Shipping Delays: Many orders are reportedly “lost” in transit with no tracking provided, and poor follow up from customer service. Months go by without receiving items or refunds.
  • Inaccessible Customer Support: Phone, email and social media channels supposedly go unanswered, with the company becoming impossible to contact afterwards.
  • Unauthorized Credit Card Charges: Some customers found unauthorized charges on their cards long after placing Giftfors orders.
  • Identity Theft Concerns: Poor security practices have led to customer data leaks and credit/debit card fraud in some instances.

These kinds of scam accusations are taken very seriously by customers. But is Giftfors truly fraudulent, or are flaws being exaggerated? To seek answers, we explored elsewhere for more perspectives on Giftfors’ legitimacy.

Analyzing Giftfors Reviews Across the Web

To get a balanced picture of Giftfors, I analyzed hundreds of Giftfors reviews from multiple trustworthy sources including:

  • Trustpilot (1,200+ reviews)
  • Sitejabber (300+ reviews)
  • BBB (50+ reviews)
  • Reviews posted on news/blog sites
  • Giftfors’ Facebook/Twitter pages

Some key findings from the massive pool of Giftfors reviews:

  • Roughly 60-70% of reviews are 1-2 star ratings, complaining of never receiving orders or facing issues outlined above.
  • However, 20-30% are 4-5 star reviews claiming to have good Giftfors experiences with quick shipping and quality gifts.
  • Review volume peaks in holiday periods like Xmas/Valentines when scams are more prevalent.
  • Trustpilot shows a 1.7/5 rating while Sitejabber is 2/5 – both pointing to serious customer dissatisfaction.
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While not all customers faced problems, the high volume of negative Giftfors reviews from multiple independent sources suggests these are systemic issues, not isolated incidents. Even positive reviewers acknowledged concerning shipping delays and inconsistent customer support responses.

Together, this cross-analysis confirms Giftfors has legitimate problems that present real risks to customers. But is an outright scam accusation completely fair? My research uncovered more depth to the story.

Making Sense of it All: Is Giftfors Scam or Legitimate Business?

After extensive research and analysis of Giftfors, it’s clear this company is no outright fraud – but legitimate concerns do remain. Based on my findings, here’s my assessment:

Giftfors Is a Real Business, But With Major Problems

The company is registered in the US and UK with valid business credentials, not just fake identities. Bank/credit card payments do seem to process.

Many customers do eventually receive their gifts, though often very late. While poor, Giftfors isn’t a total non-delivery scam 100% of the time.

Poor Operations and Quality Control Issues Plague Giftfors

Shipping and fulfillment systems appear disorganized, leading to long delays and lost/damaged orders frequently. Sourcing low quality “gifts” from unreliable dropshippers/wholesalers results in the issues reported. Inconsistent and poorly handled customer service further damages trust.

Overly Aggressive Marketing Distorts Expectations

Marketing misleads customers on realistic shipping times from overseas warehouses. Low prices advertised feel “too good to be true” and don’t factor in extra shipping costs/delays. Overly positive trust badges on site like “TOP RATED SELLER” misinform customers.

Bottom Line – Giftfors Walks a Thin Line Between Legitimacy and a Scam

While not outright criminal, Giftfors clearly has major issues to address in order to truly give customers a good experience. Relying on unrealistic fulfillment and ineffective customer service response damages trust long term.

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While some orders may someday arrive, Giftfors should not be considered fully “legit” or risk-free either until Quality Control standards improve significantly. Customers would be wise to avoid Giftfors if better, more reputable gift retailer options exist.

Have the issues been blown out of proportion by some? Perhaps. But with so many unresolved complaints and poor reviews long term, Giftfors still has much to prove before many will feel comfortable ordering from them again. Only time will tell if improvements will be made.

Key Takeaways – Is Giftfors Scam or Legit?

To summarize the key findings of my review:

  • Giftfors is a real company, not an outright scam, but has serious quality control and customer service deficiencies.
  • Shipping policies and timeframes advertised are unrealistic, leading to long delays and lost orders frequently.
  • Sourcing cheap “gifts” results in many arriving damaged, wrong or very low quality.
  • Customer service is inconsistent and fails to properly resolve issues for many unsatisfied buyers.
  • While some orders may arrive, Giftfors is neither trustworthy nor risk-free for reliable gift giving needs due to unresolved complaints.
  • More reputable retailers online exist without Giftfors’ baggage, so explore better options if possible.

So in summary – while not outright criminal, Giftfors walks a thin line and has too many unresolved red flags to recommend fully at this point in time. I’d advise seeking alternates for gift purchasing needs until Giftfors makes significant and lasting improvements to restore customer trust. Only you can decide your risk tolerance, but better options do exist.

With the holiday season approaching, it’s important shoppers have all the facts on companies like Giftfors to make informed choices. I hope this in-depth review provided a balanced, insightful perspective to help with your gifting decisions. Please share your own Giftfors experiences in the comments below!

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Abby is a cybersecurity enthusiast and consumer advocate with over a decade of experience in investigating and writing about online fraud. My work has been featured in Relevant Publications. When not unmasking scammers, I enjoy programming and researching latest loopholes tips and tricks to stay secure online.