Is ElectraSavvy Scam or Legit? Unmasking The Truth (Beware)

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As an energy efficiency enthusiast, I’m always on the lookout for new technology that can help households save money on their electricity bills.

Recently, I came across ElectraSavvy and was intrigued by its bold claims of reducing electricity usage by up to 67%. However, being accustomed to the abundance of greenwashing and energy scams in this space, I also had my doubts. So I decided to thoroughly research and put ElectraSavvy to the test myself.

In this in-depth review, I’ll share everything I’ve uncovered about how ElectraSavvy works, whether it delivers on its promises, real customer experiences, the science behind its technology, pricing and more.

Without much further ado, let’s dive right in.

What is ElectraSavvy and How Does it Claim to Work?

According to the ElectraSavvy website, it is “a new energy-saving device that uses patent-pending technology to stabilize the electricity current in homes, leading to more efficient power usage and sizable savings on energy bills.”

electrasavvy scam

In more detail, here’s how ElectraSavvy claims it works:

✅ ElectraSavvy plugs into a standard electrical outlet in your home. No installation is required.

✅ Using advanced capacitors and circuitry, it stabilizes fluctuations in the power’s voltage and frequency that normally occur in electrical grids.

✅ This stabilization improves the “power factor” of the electricity flowing through your home’s wiring. Power factor is a measure of how efficiently the current is being used.

✅ With a higher power factor, there is less waste and inefficiency in the power’s transmission and consumption of appliances. This results in lower kilowatt-hour usage and energy bills.

✅ ElectraSavvy also claims to reduce harmful voltage spikes that can damage sensitive electronics over time.

The end goal is savings of 30-67% on electricity costs per month according to thousands of supposedly real customer testimonials.

So in summary, ElectraSavvy says it “filters” the electricity to make it flow through your home more smoothly and efficiently, thereby shrinking utility bills. Does it really deliver as promised? Continue reading.

Is ElectraSavvy Legit or Scam? Scientific Check ✅

To evaluate the credibility of ElectraSavvy’s claims, we must take a closer look at the electrical engineering principles involved – namely power factor correction.

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Power factor is a real electrical phenomenon that measures how effectively incoming AC power is being used within a circuit. When a circuit draws non-sinusoidal current waves due to motor loads, power factor drops below 1. This means some of the power is rendered ineffective for actual work – instead creating wasted heat.

By using capacitors to offset the lagging current, power factor correction (PFC) circuits synchronize the voltage and current waves, making the power transfer more efficient.

This is a proven technology employed in industrial/commercial settings for decades. However, there is ongoing debate about the significance of power factor in residential settings for a few key reasons:

✅ Home loads tend to be less inductive (not containing large motors) so power factor is naturally high already, often above 0.95 according to studies.

✅ Utilities may not even penalize low power factor or measure it at the residential level. The infrastructure savings from correction at this scale are minimal.

✅ Per unit power consumption is far lower in homes, so the potential electricity/cost savings are smaller compared to large industrial/commercial facilities.

So while the fundamentals of power factor correction are sound, there is reasonable skepticism about how meaningful the benefits could truly be inside average households.

The science alone does not prove ElectraSavvy will achieve 30-67% savings as advertised. But let’s examine real user experiences next.

ElectraSavvy Reviews and Complaints by User

To gain insight beyond just ElectraSavvy’s marketing claims, I scoured the internet for real impartial reviews from customers. Here’s a summary of what I found:

Positive reviews:

👍 Customers reported minimal reductions of 5-15% on energy bills which they found worthwhile.

👍 No complaints about the set up being effortless as claimed.

👍 Units appeared well built with a nice LED indicator showing it’s working.

Negative reviews/Complaints:

👎 Many reviewers saw no impact on usage or bills even after several months of use.

👎 Savings advertised are certainly not the norm based on user reports. 10-20% would be more realistic maximums according to experiential evidence.

👎 No way to truly know the savings are directly from ElectraSavvy as energy use can vary for many unrelated reasons month to month.

👎 Limited transparency into how the technology inside actually works or independent verification of results.

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👎 Even if it works, whether savings outweigh the $80-100 investment over the long run is debatable for some.

On balance, while the customer experience of using ElectraSavvy itself seemed reasonable based on reviews, the actual average electric cost reductions appeared far shy of what’s promoted online. 10-20% maximum real world savings seems more grounded based on user evidence.

Is ElectraSavvy Scam or Legit? (My Honest Opinion)

After reviewing the science, customer feedback and scrutinizing ElectraSavvy’s marketing claims compared to real world outcomes, here are my conclusions on whether ElectraSavvy is a scam:

The technology of power factor correction at its core is valid and not a scam in the right commercial/industrial applications.

However, I have not found convincing evidence that plugging a $100 box into your outlet can realistically reduce residential electricity usage by 30-67% on average as per ElectraSavvy’s website claims. This seems more like hype than reality based on user reports.

Saying it “Stabilizes electricity flow” is misleading greenwashing language, as the impact of power factor in homes is likely quite small to begin with. It does not “filter” electricity like a Brita filter cleans water.

While reports suggest ElectraSavvy itself may work reasonably well for some users achieving 5-20% savings, this pales in comparison to the sensationalized 67% maximum savings figure promoted aggressively online without transparency.

There is a lack of fully independent third-party testing and data to substantiate the dramatic billing impact numbers cited. Reports relied on lack necessary controls to prove causation.

No information is provided on how they determined the savings percentages, who conducted testing, sample sizes, control groups, etc. This lack of transparency is a red flag.

So in summary – while ElectraSavvy itself may function satisfactorily for some, their marketing claims seem largely hyped and inflated beyond what impartial research and user reports collectively substantiate. The extreme projected savings appear to be more fiction than fact.

Therefore in my opinion, while not an outright total scam, ElectraSavvy does engage in questionable overpromising and greenwashing tactics not backed up by solid impartial evidence. Proceed with caution.

Alternative Options and Conclusion

If looking to potentially reduce your electricity costs, there are other more proven options worth considering first before ElectraSavvy:

✅ Switch to an efficient LED light bulb in every socket which can reduce lighting costs 50-85% with much quicker payback time vs. ElectraSavvy.

ALSO READ: Scam or Legit? Reviews and Complaints

✅ Seal air leaks and add insulation which cuts heating/cooling usage year round with savings often exceeding any projected ElectraSavvy impact.

✅ Install a smart power strip and only run electronics when in use to curb phantom drain consumption.

✅ Sign up for time-of-use electricity rates and shift usage to off-peak hours for discounted power.

✅ Check if your utility offers free home energy assessments with customized recommendations tailored to your specific property.

In summary, while power factor correction technology has promise in heavy industrial contexts, ElectraSavvy’s claims of routinely slashing residential bills 30-67% with their plug-in box do not stand up to independent scrutiny based on scientific principles and real user experiences.

The marketed benefits seem to be hyped greenwashing. For most homeowners, other efficiency tactics with quicker paybacks and less question marks offer better savings potential.

Proceed carefully with ElectraSavvy and expect returns more in the 10-20% range maximum according to data, not the sensational figures boldly touted online. As always – independent research pays off before pulling out your wallet.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is ElectraSavvy safe to use?

According to user reports, ElectraSavvy devices do not pose safety risks as they are UL/CE approved. However, there is limited independent verification of their safety testing and standards. Proceed with expected levels of caution for any mains-connected electronics.

How long until I see savings from ElectraSavvy?

The manufacturer states it can take 4-8 weeks for your home’s electricity flow to fully stabilize after installing ElectraSavvy units. However, some users report noticing minor reductions within the first billing cycle. Allow at least 3 months before making conclusions on its savings impact.

What is ElectraSavvy’s return policy?

ElectraSavvy comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. You can request a full refund within 30 days of purchase if unsatisfied. Some users note getting store credit instead of a direct refund, so clarify details with the company.

Does ElectraSavvy work in all home types?

While the technology should function in any home receiving grid power, the projected savings may vary significantly depending on factors like insulation levels, number of occupants, existing appliances, etc. ElectraSavvy’s effectiveness also relies on proper placement – ideally near main breaker box and distributed among levels/zones for larger dwellings.

How many ElectraSavvy units do I need?

The manufacturer recommends at least one unit per 100-150 square feet of conditioned floorspace as a minimum. Larger homes with multiple floors/zones will likely need 2-3 units placed strategically to maximize coverage of the electrical infrastructure.

Also Read: Reviews: Legit or Scam?


Abby is a cybersecurity enthusiast and consumer advocate with over a decade of experience in investigating and writing about online fraud. My work has been featured in Relevant Publications. When not unmasking scammers, I enjoy programming and researching latest loopholes tips and tricks to stay secure online.