Elder Care Scam Calls Explained: Beware Don’t Be Fooled

As elder citizens become more vulnerable targets, scam calls aimed at seniors have grown increasingly common and sophisticated. These “elder care scam calls” often involve deceptive tactics to gain the trust of older adults and acquire their personal or financial information. Understanding how these scams work can help protect vulnerable individuals and their assets.

Common Tactics Used in Elder Care Scam Calls

Scam artists who target seniors have developed strategies that prey on empathy and play to fears of isolation. Some of the most prevalent tactics seen in elder care scam calls include:

Impersonation Scams – Scammers may pose as a grandchild, government official, tech support representative, or someone else to build false trust. They claim the grandchild is in legal or financial trouble and needs money wired immediately. Others say the target has a problem with their social security, tax filing, or computer that requires sensitive details.

Romance Scams – Through dating sites or social media, con artists build online “relationships” to gain affection and then ask for money. Loneliness makes seniors more susceptible to fabricated intimacy.

Sweepstakes/Lottery Scams – Calls claim the target has won a large cash prize but must first pay “fees” or taxes to receive the winnings. Of course, no lottery was ever entered.

Home Repair Scams – Unneeded or inflated home repairs are peddled, often targeting after natural disasters. Money is taken upfront but work is never completed.

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Grandparent Scams – Similar to impersonation scams, the caller pretends to be a grandchild in an emergency needing swift cash transfers. They may even pass the phone to an accomplice pretending to be in a hospital or jail.

How Elder Care Scam Calls are Highly Targeted

Elderly citizens tend to be more trusting of authority figures and sensitive to family issues. Scammers thoroughly research potential victims to craft deceptions that resonate, using details gleaned from social media, public records, or previous data breaches. Targeted seniors may receive:

  • Calls mentioning names of actual grandchildren to increase believability
  • Threats tailored to health/financial profiles like impending tax penalties or computer “problems”
  • Requests timed around benefit check deposit dates when seniors have readily available cash

With a vulnerable population in mind, scammers deploy increasingly personalized strategies to manipulate emotions and create a false sense of urgency long enough to acquire money or private information before doubts can form.

Protecting Seniors from Elder Care Scam Calls

While devious scammers constantly evolve tactics, there are proactive steps loved ones and community organizations can take to help insulate seniors:

Teach Popular Scam Types and Red Flags

Discuss impersonation, sweepstakes, grandparent, computer virus, and other common scams. Explain scammers pressure victims and invent emergencies to avoid scrutiny. Share that government agencies will never ask for Social Security numbers, banking info, or gift cards over unsolicited calls.

Monitor Financial Activity Closely

Check bank and credit card statements routinely for unauthorized withdrawals. Sign up for transaction alerts from financial institutions. Monitor credit reports for signs of identity theft. Be wary if large sums suddenly disappear.

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Screen Unrecognized Phone Numbers

Most phones can block calls from unknown callers. Consider landline call blocking services too. Never feel obligated to answer calls demanding personal details. Hang up and look up official numbers to verify supposed emergencies directly.

Limit What’s Shared Online

Limit personal details shared publicly or with unfamiliar acquaintances on social media and dating sites where information can be stolen. Remove birthdates and other details that aid in targeting and impersonation.

Spread Awareness through Family/Community

Discuss scams openly to normalize caution among seniors. Community organizations that serve older adults can add scam education to existing wellness programs and distribute informational materials to members. An informed population is a less vulnerable target.

Report Attempts to Authorities

Documentation helps authorities track patterns and fraudsters. Contact the Federal Trade Commission, state attorney general, adult protective services, or local police if targeted or aware of others being scammed. Reports provide data for investigations and help law enforcement issue warnings.

Consider Third Party Oversight for Finances

For those exhibiting signs of cognitive decline or extreme social isolation, assigning a trusted relative power of attorney over finances or creating a conservatorship/guardianship through courts may provide safeguards against financial exploitation that scam artists prey on.

Of course, any loss of autonomy should only happen as a last resort with consideration for civil liberties and respect of the individual’s dignity. The goal is protection, not paternalism.

With advances in technology and increasing sophistication of con artists, safeguarding seniors from unethical practices like elder care scam calls requires vigilance from loved ones, communities, and authorities.

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A multidimensional approach focused on education, monitoring, screening, reporting and oversight can help shield vulnerable populations from harm while respecting independence. An informed society stands the best chance of thwarting those who would take advantage.

Emerging Threats and the Future of Elder Care Scam Prevention

As scammers refine methods, defenders must also evolve strategies. Some concerning newer trends and aspects of future prevention include:

Deepfakes and Synthetic Voice Technology

Advances may allow impersonating family members’ voices to gain trust before asking for money. Groups develop techniques for differentiating synthetic from human speech to retain skepticism of unverified calls.

Targeted Phishing through Public Records

Registry data, maps detailing home occupations, obituaries and other digitized records provide more refined targeting of isolated seniors. Privacy regulations and digital literacy aim to curb sensitive information trading hands.

Virtual Currency and Cryptocurrency

Untraceable transactions appeal to scammers. Education counters notion that virtual currencies offer anonymity from scams or legal issues. Tracking technology also improves to potentially recover losses.

Expanding Reporting Infrastructure

As elder abuse takes more forms online and through apps/devices, streamlining ways to report threats across jurisdictions aids in detection. Universally accessible portals connect victims regardless of technical understanding.

Coordinated International Crackdowns

Many scams operate across borders challenging jurisdiction. Increased cooperation between governments and regulators worldwide creates legal frameworks and intelligence sharing needed to dismantle complex international criminal networks.

While scammers constantly evolve, so too must defenses against those who prey on society’s most vulnerable. A multi-pronged, future-focused approach uniting technology solutions, policy reform, education, community networks and cross-sector cooperation holds promise for helping seniors safely reap upcoming benefits of the digital age.

With proactive efforts, victims need not feel alone or that criminal behavior against elders is tolerated. By working together, communities stand guard against those who would do harm.

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Abby is a cybersecurity enthusiast and consumer advocate with over a decade of experience in investigating and writing about online fraud. My work has been featured in Relevant Publications. When not unmasking scammers, I enjoy programming and researching latest loopholes tips and tricks to stay secure online.

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