Scam or Legit? Reviews and Complaints

You are currently viewing Scam or Legit? Reviews and Complaints is a debt collection agency that claims to work with various creditors to collect unpaid debts. However, there are also many complaints alleging that CCS Notice engages in deceptive and abusive debt collection practices.

In this comprehensive review blog post, we’ll take an unbiased look at to determine whether it’s a scam or a legitimate business.

What is describes itself as a third-party collection agency. According to their website, they have been in business since 2001 and work with creditors in various industries like credit cards, utilities, healthcare, and telecommunications to recover unpaid balances on behalf of their clients. are based in Danbury, Connecticut and have additional offices in Buffalo and Rochester, New York. CCS Notice claims to use “sensitive yet effective collection techniques” to recover debts for their clients.

The types of debts they collect include credit cards, medical bills, payday loans, auto loans, and utilities. They state that their goal is to help clients maximize collection of receivables while maintaining positive customer relationships.

So at face value, appears to operate like a typical third-party collection agency. However, the high volume of complaints against them tells a different story which we’ll examine more closely later in this review. Reviews and Complaints

One of the first things anyone would notice when researching is the huge number of complaints that have been lodged against them, especially on sites like the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and various consumer advocacy forums.

Some of the most common complaints include; Attempting to collect on debts that have passed the statute of limitations or that the consumers claim they do not owe.

Using aggressive, abusive, and threatening language during phone calls. Reports of collectors yelling, using profanity, and making threats of legal action or damage to credit reports.

Continuing to call consumers who have asked to no longer be contacted, including early morning and late night calls. Refusing to provide verification or proof of the debts they are attempting to collect, as required by law.

Reporting disputed debts to credit bureaus before the dispute is resolved. Using intimidation tactics like leaving multiple voicemails per day demanding payment.

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Harassing friends, family members, coworkers and third parties in attempts to collect on debts. The volume of complaints is significant, with several forums dedicated just to warning consumers about dealing with CCS Notice.

The company also has an F rating from the BBB due to numerous unanswered complaints. This would suggest there are legitimate issues with their debt collection practices.

Are Complaints Valid?

It’s entirely possible that some of the complaints against could stem from disgruntled debtors looking to avoid or dispute their financial obligations.

However, when complaints are this consistent and numerous, it’s reasonable to assume there is cause for concern about the legitimacy and legality of their practices. To determine if the complaints hold merit, it helps to look at some key aspects:

1. Regulatory Actions – Government agencies like the FTC and CFPB have taken enforcement actions against CCS Notice in the past for FDCPA violations like failing to provide required disclosures to consumers. This lends credibility to complaints.

2. Court Documents – Lawsuits against CCS Notice have resulted in findings that their practices violated the FDCPA. One case awarded a plaintiff $1,000 for FDCPA violations including harassing calls.

3. Industry Reputation – Other collection agencies avoid working with CCS Notice due to concerns about their reputation. This suggests issues are genuine and not just complaints from debtors.

4. Sheer Volume – With literally thousands of complaints on record from various sources over many years, it seems highly unlikely they could all stem from disgruntled debtors rather than actual problems.

Taking all this into context, the complaints against appear quite valid and illustrate a pattern of abusive and potentially illegal debt collection behavior, making them a risky company for consumers to deal with.

Is Scam or Legit?

While is a legitimate debt collection business registered to operate, their practices cross the line into what could be defined as a “scam”. Some key factors that point to a scam-like operation:

✅ Attempting to collect on debts they cannot prove are valid or owed. Scam operations commonly make unsupported claims and demands for payment.

✅ Failing to comply with debt collection laws meant to protect consumers from harassment and abuse. Scams exploit legal loopholes and lack of enforcement.

✅ Being deceptive – Their website paints a rosy picture but hides long record of complaints and investigations into illegal practices. Scams use deception to mislead.

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✅ Continuing abusive tactics despite facing legal and regulatory actions. Scams adapt tactics rather than reform overall practices.

✅ Lacking ethics and accountability – With an F rating from the BBB and thousands reporting issues, oversight and concern for consumers seems absent. Scams prioritize profits over ethical standards.

Although they are operating as a legal entity, the core elements of CCS Notice’s business model incorporate scam-like deception, harassment, lack of accountability and exploitation of consumers to an unacceptable degree.

For these reasons, interacting with them carries many of the same risks dealing with an outright scam would present.

Who Does Collect For?

One thing that often comes up in discussions of CCS Notice is who exactly they collect debts for. Since they operate as a third-party agency, they don’t own the debts themselves but work on behalf of creditors. However, the specific creditors they work with are not always clearly disclosed.

By examining court documents associated with lawsuits against CCS Notice, it has been possible to identify some of the entities they have previously attempted to collect debts for, including: Major credit card companies like Capital One, American Express, Chase, Citibank, etc.

Utility and cable providers like National Grid, Verizon, Cox Communications. Healthcare providers and medical debt buyers. Major retail brands like Macy’s, Kohl’s, JC Penney. AND Various smaller financial companies, lenders and educational institutions.

Notably, several major banks and credit issuers have ended relationships with CCS Notice in the past, likely due to concerns about their business practices. So the list of who they actively collect for today may differ. Bottom line is, it seems their client base includes some well-known national brands alongside many smaller, lesser-known entities.

What Are Your Rights With

As with any debt collection issue, it’s important for consumers to be aware of their rights when dealing with or any third-party collectors. Here are some of the key rights and protections under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act:

1. You have the right to request debt validation and proof within 30 days of their initial contact. They must provide documentation showing you owe the debt.

2. Collection agencies cannot harass, oppress or abuse you via threatening messages, insults or excessive calls about the debt.

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3. They cannot contact you outside of permitted hours (before 8 AM or after 9 PM) or communicate with third parties like your employer.

4. You can opt-out of further contact in writing at any time. They must then cease collection efforts.

5. Disputed debts must be reported to credit bureaus as disputed until proven valid.

6. The FDCPA limits the length of time debts can be actively collected – usually 5-7 years depending on state laws.

If CCS Notice contacts you about a debt, it’s recommended to exercise your validation rights in writing promptly to establish a record. Keep detailed records of any contact as well. Consumers being harassed also have legal grounds to sue collectors for damages.

Should You Engage With

Given the overwhelmingly negative portrayal of’s practices based on our research, the wisest course of action for most consumers is to avoid direct engagement or transactions with this company if at all possible.

Here are some recommendations;

  1. Do not make any payments without first validating the debt is accurate and that you remain legally obligated to pay it off.
  2. Request all contact cease in writing if you receive a notice via phone, letter or email from CCS Notice.
  3. Consult with a consumer attorney regarding additional validation of the debt and options for responding, especially if being pressured or harassed.
  4. Do not provide any private financial details like bank accounts over unsecured phone lines or emails from CCS Notice.
  5. Be sure to document and report any violations of your rights like harassment, threats or failure to validate the debt.
  6. Consider disputing the information with credit bureaus if debts are inaccurately reported.

Wrapping Up presents itself as a typical third-party debt collection agency. However, an objective review of their practices and the substantial complaints against them indicate treatment of consumers that arguably crosses ethical lines into scam-like behavior on many levels.

While operating as a legitimate business entity, CCS Notice has faced regulatory enforcement actions, numerous lawsuits, an F rating from the BBB and thousands of individual complaints related to illegal debt collection activities like harassment, deception and failure to validate debts.

These complaints are validated by court and government findings against the company extending back many years. Such a consistent pattern suggests systemic problems rather than isolated incidents.

For these and other reasons examined, interacting with or paying without question carries significant risks. Consumers are best advised to avoid direct engagement and exercise legal protections and rights if contacted.

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Abby is a cybersecurity enthusiast and consumer advocate with over a decade of experience in investigating and writing about online fraud. My work has been featured in Relevant Publications. When not unmasking scammers, I enjoy programming and researching latest loopholes tips and tricks to stay secure online.