Banga Home Improvements – Reviews and Complaints

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Banga Home Improvements, also known as HomeLux, is a home renovation company based in Ontario, Canada that has recently come under scrutiny due to numerous complaints and negative reviews from customers.

This article will provide an in-depth look at the company, the types of complaints against them, as well as tips and advice for homeowners considering hiring Banga Home Improvements or a similar contractor for renovations.

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Introduction to Banga Home Improvements

Banga Home Improvements operates under the business name HomeLux and is owned by brothers Rajat, Ishan, and Saadh Banga. The company is located at 5694 Highway 7 Unit #2 in Vaughan, Ontario.

The company offers a range of home renovation services including:

  • Kitchen renovations
  • Bathroom renovations
  • Basement finishing
  • Flooring installation
  • Painting
  • Framing
  • Drywall
  • Tiling
  • Plumbing
  • Electrical
  • Fences
  • Decks

Banga Home Improvements markets itself as an experienced home renovation company serving the Greater Toronto Area since 2006. Their website states:

“At Banga Home Improvements we bring together superior construction techniques and luxurious designs to create breathtaking home renovations.”

However, behind this marketing facade lies a trail of devastated homeowners who have had nightmarish experiences with Banga Brothers.

Types of Complaints Against Banga Home Improvements

Despite the positive image portrayed on their website, Banga Home Improvements has been the subject of numerous customer complaints online and in mainstream media reports. Some of the most common grievances against the company include:

Failure to Complete Work

Many customers report signing contracts and paying large deposits upfront to Banga Home Improvements, only to have the company fail to complete the agreed upon renovations. In some cases they stopped work abruptly, leaving homes in a torn apart, unfinished state.

For example, a CTV News segment from September 2022 profiled a family who paid Banga $58,000 to renovate their home. The company demolished parts of the house but failed to finish the job, leaving the family displaced without a livable home. The news clip shows the interior of the house in shambles, with missing walls and sections gutted down to the studs.

Poor Quality Workmanship

Among customers who did have their renovations completed by Banga Home Improvements, many have complained about terrible, amateurish work quality.

Reviews cite issues like crooked tiling, uneven flooring, leaky showers, drywall seams visible, sloppy paint jobs, and more. In addition to being visually displeasing, poor workmanship can lead to functional issues and continued maintenance problems.

Threats and Intimidation

Some customers who have attempted to recoup losses from Banga Home Improvements allege they have been subjected to threats and intimidating behavior.

For example, a review posted on in September 2023 states:

“When we talk to get money back, they threaten us.”

Loss of Life Savings

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While typical renovation costs can run into the tens of thousands of dollars, the worst Banga Home Improvements horror stories involve customers losing their entire life savings to the company.

The CTV segment mentioned above profiles a family who lost $58,500 that they had been saving for 15 years to pay Banga for renovations that were never finished.

Substandard Materials

Beyond shoddy craftsmanship, some Banga customers also believe lower grade, cheaper replacement materials were used than what was agreed upon. This allows the company to pocket more profit while giving homeowners a renovation below the quality they paid for.

Overall, the type of complaints against Banga Home Improvements paint an alarming picture of deceptive business practices, lack of integrity, and gross negligence for customer satisfaction. While not all reviews are negative, they are vastly overshadowed by the accounts of disastrous experiences.

Investigations and Legal Troubles

In light of the myriad of complaints, Banga Home Improvements and its owners are facing increasing public scrutiny and legal heat.

Multiple Lawsuits

Former Banga Home Improvements’ customers have filed several lawsuits against the company to attempt to recover lost money and damages.

  • In 2018, a lawsuit was filed seeking over $500,000 in compensation related to an alleged deceptive basement renovation contract.
  • In 2020, a kitchen remodeling lawsuit was launched seeking $95,000.
  • Most recently in 2022, a suit was commenced in relation to the incomplete home renovation shown on CTV News that cost the homeowners their entire $58,500 life savings.

While these lawsuits work their way through the legal system, it’s unclear whether any financial restitution will be achieved. The drawn-out process, however, underscores the importance of homeowners thoroughly vetting any contractor they hire.

Investigations by Authorities

Several authoritative bodies have also opened investigations into Banga Home Improvements and their business practices.

The Ontario Ministry of Government and Consumer Services is actively investigating the company and has received more than a dozen consumer complaints. They are working to determine whether legal action such as license suspension is warranted.

Meanwhile, Toronto Police have an open and active fraud investigation into Banga Home Improvements stemming from customer allegations. Police are gathering evidence and urge any additional victims to file reports to aid the investigation.

Revoked Membership with Renomark

Banga Home Improvements was previously a member of Renomark, a contractor certification organization that upholds standards for professionalism and business practices.

However, due to the rising volume of customer complaints, Renomark terminated the company’s membership in 2022. This disassociation signifies that Banga fell short of Renomark’s standards for ethical conduct.

While investigations and lawsuits proceed, impacted homeowners feel frustrated with what they perceive as inadequate recourse and lack of consumer protections in the home renovation industry.

Customer Advice for Avoiding Issues

For homeowners considering hiring Banga Home Improvements or any other contractor for renovations, here are some tips to help avoid becoming another victim of a home renovation nightmare:

Thoroughly Research the Company

Go beyond a company’s own website and materials. Search for third-party reviews on trustworthy sites like HomeStars and the Better Business Bureau. Look for in-depth reviews that provide details of the experience, rather than brief anonymous rants.

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Search the company’s name directly along with terms like “complaints”, “reviews”, “scam”, and “lawsuit” to uncover troubling patterns.

Verify Licensing and Insurance

Ensure a contractor has all legally required licenses and insurance for your region. Ask to see physical copies. Unlicensed, uninsured contractors present huge liability risks.

Beware of Aggressive Sales Tactics

A company insisting on an immediate decision, cash payment, or full upfront deposit should raise red flags. Reputable firms allow reasonable time for consideration and payment plans.

Get a Detailed Written Contract

Have a lawyer review any contract and ensure it includes specifics like:

  • Exact scope of work
  • Timeline with milestones
  • Payment schedule (prefer payments spread throughout project)
  • Clauses for dispute resolution and contingencies

Only sign once all details are satisfactory.

Do Not Pay 100% Upfront

Avoid paying the full amount before commencement of work. Insist on a payment plan where final payment occurs only after completion. Paying everything upfront removes incentive for a contractor to finish satisfactorily.

Monitor Progress Closely

Check in frequently to observe work and ask questions. Report any deficiencies immediately before they compound. Keep a written log and photographic evidence.

Know Your Payment Rights

Understand laws around down payments, holding back funds if unsatisfied, and timing required for contractor lien periods. Never feel pressured into releasing funds prematurely.

Request References

Speaking first-hand with previous customers provides valuable insights into a company’s true nature. Responsible businesses are happy to provide references.

Trust Your Instincts

If interactions feel pushy, transactional or dishonest, pay attention to your gut feeling. A negative impression early on is unlikely to improve.

Hiring a contractor for major home renovations is inherently risky. However, taking proactive measures like the above can help minimize the chances of becoming the victim of a home renovation scam.

Options for Pursuing Compensation

For homeowners already impacted by the alleged predatory practices of Banga Home Improvements, here are some options that may help secure financial restitution:

File a Police Report

Filing an official fraud complaint with local police or the OPP can prompt an investigation. With enough victim reports, charges may ultimately be laid.

Contact Government Authorities

Ontario’s Ministry of Government and Consumer Services has an investigation underway. Reporting complaints provides further evidence and public pressure.

Pursue Legal Action

Consulting with a construction litigation lawyer to file a civil lawsuit may be able to recover some losses, though outcomes are uncertain.

Dispute Credit Card Charges

If any portion of payments to the contractor were made by credit card, the charges can be disputed due to failure to receive services paid for.

Report to Third Parties

File disputes/complaints with organizations like the Better Business Bureau, Trustpilot, HomeStars, etc. Negative reviews can warn others.

Contact Media Outlets

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Media coverage like CTV’s broadcast applies public scrutiny to the company. Additional victim stories keep the issue in the public eye.

While past customers of Banga Home Improvements face an uphill battle to recoup losses either through legal action or government investigation, taking some or all of the above measures gives them the best chance at restitution. Public visibility and victims banding together also helps strengthen the case against predatory contractors.

Signs of an Unethical Contractor

The Banga Home Improvements scandal highlights some common red flags homeowners should watch for when evaluating any contractor to avoid being scammed. Be wary of contractors who exhibit any of the following characteristics:

  • Pushy sales tactics insisting you hire them immediately
  • Vague about the details of your project and reluctant to put specifics in a contract
  • Demand unusually high down payments/deposits
  • Offer prices well below other estimates you’ve received
  • Pressure you to pay in cash instead of leaving a paper trail
  • Are evasive in answering questions or communication
  • Cannot provide license, insurance, references, or examples of past work
  • Make threats when challenged or asked for proper documentation
  • Rush the job and take shortcuts rather than investing proper time and care
  • Leave a jobsite unattended for long periods without workers present
  • Become hostile or defensive when asked for progress updates
  • Fail to complete work on time and make excuses or unrealistic promises

While an unethical contractor may not exhibit all these traits, even one or two should prompt caution and extra vetting before hiring. Prioritizing a cheap offer over professional conduct can unfortunately lead to disastrous results.

Questions to Ask Any Contractor

To help ascertain if a contractor is reputable and likely to complete quality work in a timely manner, homeowners should ask detailed questions like:

  • How long have you been in business? Look for 5+ years minimum.
  • Are you licensed and insured for this type of work? Verify credentials.
  • Can you provide referrals from previous clients I can contact? Call them.
  • Do you have a showroom or examples of past work I can see in person? Assess quality.
  • Who will be assigned as project manager and will they be on site daily? Get a name.
  • What are your exact steps and timeline for completing the project? Document specifics.
  • What brands and grade of materials do you use? Are cheaper substitutes ever used?
  • What is your payment schedule and deposit amount? Aim for staged payments, 10-25% down.
  • What is your warranty and how will deficiencies be addressed? Warranty should be 1-5 years.
  • What permits are needed and who pulls them? Contractor should pull all required permits.
  • How will you protect homeowners’ property, possessions, and landscaping during work?
  • Do you have any lawsuits, licensing issues, or complaints with the BBB? Red flag if yes.

Contractors unwilling to provide detailed answers to these types of questions may be hiding something and should be passed over. Quality firms will offer full transparency.


While Banga Home Improvements maintains a slick website portraying luxury renovations, the troubling reality detailed through customer reviews, media investigations, and legal action reveals a company that fails to deliver on promises.

Severe flaws in business operations and ethics have left many homeowners financially and emotionally devastated, with unfinished homes and depleted life savings.

Yet by thoroughly vetting any contractor, monitoring work closely, following tips to protect payment, and recognizing red flags, homeowners can avoid becoming victims and successfully manage major renovations.

Putting in the diligence to hire an honest contractor, ask the right questions, get customer references, and protect yourself with a solid contract is the surest way to achieve your dream home renovation.


Abby is a cybersecurity enthusiast and consumer advocate with over a decade of experience in investigating and writing about online fraud. My work has been featured in Relevant Publications. When not unmasking scammers, I enjoy programming and researching latest loopholes tips and tricks to stay secure online.

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