Assessmeny Scam or Legit? My Honest Review

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As an avid online shopper, I’m always on the lookout for new fashion brands and sites. Recently, I came across and was intrigued by their huge selection of clothing and accessories.

However, as with any new company, I had some questions about their legitimacy. In this review, I’ll share my research process and what I discovered to help you determine if Assessmeny is legit or a scam.

Quick Overview of Website

To start, I took a deeper look at Assessmeny’s website. Some initial observations: launched in 2022 and is based in the US according to their About Us page. However, I could not find any specific address listed.

✅ They have a wide range of women’s, men’s, and kids’ fashion including clothing, shoes, jewelry, and more. Brands seemed to focus on trends.

✅ Website looked professionally designed with product images and descriptions. Payment was processed via PayPal which provided some assurance.

✅ Shipping policies stated delivery within the US takes 3-5 business days. International shipping also available but with longer timeframes.

✅ Return policy allowed returns within 14 days for a full refund as long as item was unused and undamaged.

So at first glance, Assessmeny appeared like a legitimate online retailer. But I knew I needed to dig deeper to ensure they were trustworthy before making a purchase.

Assessmeny Scam Domain Information Review

Next, I looked up details about’s domain registration on whois databases which provide public records. Here’s what I found:

✅ Domain was registered in October 2022, not so quite recently, which isn’t inherently a red flag on its own. Many new businesses launch online domains.

✅ Domain was registered privately through a registration service which obscured the actual owner’s name and address, not uncommon either.

✅ Nameservers were hosted on GoDaddy servers which is a reputable platform, so nothing suspicious there.

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The domain details alone didn’t raise any red flags. A newly registered domain isn’t definitive proof of a scam since legit companies have to start somewhere too. Overall the domain looked professionally set up.

Researching Assessmeny Company Information

With no concrete address listed on their site, I tried searching online for “Assessmeny headquarters” or “Assessmeny location” but found no additional information. This raised the first small red flag for me. Legitimate companies usually have a physical address listed somewhere publicly.

I also searched more broadly using terms like “Assessmeny review”, “Assessmeny scam”, and their domain on Google but couldn’t find any reviews, complaints or discussions about them elsewhere online yet.

This isn’t unusual for a very new company, but it also meant I couldn’t find any endorsements or customer feedback either to verify their trustworthiness.

Lastly, I searched for the owner’s name listed in the domain WHOIS data or any executives on Assessmeny’s About Us or Our Team page. But again, nothing revealed any identities which real companies usually disclose publicly.

Not being able to find verified company information like a location, customer reviews, or owner identities beyond the domain registration started raising more questions in my mind about Assessmeny’s legitimacy. New companies can be legit, but this lack of transparency was concerning.

Checking Social Media Presence

Any reputable business today should have an active social media presence to connect with customers and build trust. So I searched Assessmeny’s name on major platforms:

  • Facebook – No official Assessmeny page could be found.
  • Instagram – Their claimed handle “@assessmeny” did not lead to any profile.
  • Twitter – No tweets under @Assessmeny or related keywords.

The complete lack of any verified social profiles for Assessmeny across multiple major platforms was a huge red flag to me. Even the smallest Etsy shop usually has at least a Facebook page. This missing online visibility raised major doubts about Assessmeny being a real, trusted company.

Analyzing Website Quality & Design

Next, I took another close look at’s website design and functionality:

  • Pages loaded quickly but some product images weren’t loading properly.
  • Site had a basic template look and lacked polish/brands compared to reputable retailer sites.
  • Products lacked useful details – no sizing charts, materials used, brand logos, etc. Just generic photos.
  • Typos seen in some descriptions and policies unlike a professional company site.
  • Email and phone number went to an domain, not a Gmail which raised suspicion.
  • No customer reviews or testimonials section which is standard for consumer trust.
  • Website footer listed a generic copyright with no specific company name.
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All of these issues with Assessmeny’s site design, operation, and lack of customer-focused elements signaled to me it was likely not a true company website but rather just a poorly designed template not representative of a real business.

Examining Product Selection and Pricing

To evaluate Assessmeny’s credibility further, I analyzed their clothing offerings and pricing models:

  • Products spanned a huge range of styles, brands, sizes in an unlikely catalog for a new small business.
  • Many listings had generic photos clearly taken from other sites, not original product shots.
  • Items ranged from $10 to $100 but lots around $25-40 which seemed too consistent and low for genuine name brands.
  • No detailed sizing charts, measurements or materials listed, just “one size fits most” which is unrealistic.
  • Prices rarely changed from MSRP values, not varied like real markets with sales, supply & demand changes.

This highly questionable product assortment and standardized low pricing indicated to me the items were likely bogus, not real branded merchandise. No way a new small business could source such a massive catalog and undercut competitors’ genuine prices.

Reviewing Payment Options

Assessmeny accepted payments via PayPal which was a positive sign since PayPal offers buyer protection. However, looking more closely:

  • Their PayPal email was the same domain like the site contact info, not tied to a verified PayPal business account.
  • No mention of major credit cards like Visa, Mastercard as backup options which raised doubts as to if they even processed payments properly.

So while PayPal appeared to offer assured checkout, the way Assessmeny set it up raised doubts that funds were protected or could actually be refunded if needed through PayPal. There was no real verification they were a legitimate payment-handling merchant.

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Considering Warning Signs in Totality

After investigating Assessmeny extensively from many angles, here are the key red flags that indicated to me it was likely not legitimate:

  • No verified company address, phone, staff identities could be found online.
  • Lack of any reviews, discussions or endorsements from customers elsewhere.
  • Barebones, unpolished website design unlike professionals.
  • Missing important elements for trust like reviews, company info, contact options.
  • Huge generic product catalog unlikely for new small business at unrealistic prices.
  • Questionable use of PayPal without a verified account.
  • Non-existent social media profiles on major platforms.

While any one issue alone isn’t conclusive, the sheer volume and consistency of these warning signs across domains, website, products and policies strongly implied to me Assessmeny was very likely not a real trustworthy online retailer but rather a fraudulent scam operation. No legitimate business leaves so many unanswered questions and red flags.

Final Verdict – Is Assessmeny Scam or Legit?

After extensive research and analysis of Assessmeny from multiple angles, in my assessment the evidence overwhelmingly points to it being an illegitimate online scam business not to be trusted with your money or personal information.

Some key takeaways from my review:

✅ New companies can be real, but Assessmeny lacks nearly all typical hallmarks of legitimacy like transparency, reviews and credibility-building elements.

✅ No other credible online discussion of Assessmeny I could find contradicts warning signs from domain investigation and website/product quality issues.

✅ Consistent pattern of suspicious activities from contact details to unrealistic offerings raise too many doubts rather than reassurances of trustworthiness.

✅ Risk of providing payment and personal info to site with no verification it will be used fraudulently rather than processing orders as promised.

Therefore, to stay on the safe side and protect yourself from getting scammed, I strongly advise consumers to avoid shopping or providing any data to and instead consider reputable retailers you can verify.

While it’s possible a company could start with earnest intentions, Assessmeny crosses too many lines suggesting illegitimate intentions from the beginning.

Please feel free to share this review to warn others too. Online shopping scams have become increasingly sophisticated, so doing diligence on new sites is important to make informed purchase choices.

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Abby is a cybersecurity enthusiast and consumer advocate with over a decade of experience in investigating and writing about online fraud. My work has been featured in Relevant Publications. When not unmasking scammers, I enjoy programming and researching latest loopholes tips and tricks to stay secure online.