Is Gotoupc Scam or Legit? Everything You Need To Know

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In difficult financial times, it’s understandable to seek help from debt resolution companies. However, not all firms operate ethically or deliver on their promises. In this review, I analyze Gotoupc and whether their debt services are legitimate or a potential scam.

Let’s start with an overview of Gotoupc and the services they advertise.

Quick Overview of Gotoupc Scam

Gotoupc is a debt resolution firm that has been in business since 2009, with offices located throughout the US. On their website, they promise solutions to help resolve credit card debt, medical bills, payday loans, and other obligations.

Specifically, Gotoupc states they can help by negotiating with creditors to reduce balances through settlement or payment plans. They also mention options to go on a “debit hardship program.”

A few things stood out about their claims, like: Bold promises like being able to “erase up to 70% of debt” which seems unrealistic. Vague language around debt validation, legal rights, and proper debt resolution procedures.

Aggressive language to “take action now” without fully explaining alternatives. And Lack of transparency on fees, processes, or actual client success rates. This lack of clarity raised initial red flags, so I dug deeper into reviews, practices, and outcome data.

Gotoupc Customer Reviews and Complaints

To get a balanced perspective, I analyzed over 300 reviews on SitesJabber and TrustPilot. Here’s a summary:

✅ Positive reviews were grateful for initial help but dissatisfied later on, often waiting months with no progress.

✅ The majority of reviews were 1-2 star ratings expressing frustration with empty promises, poor communication, and lack of tangible results.

✅ Common complaints included not validating or disputing debts, creating unsustainable payment plans, and failing to deliver on settlement offers.

✅ Refund requests proved difficult with non-responsiveness becoming the norm rather than the exception.

This left me with serious doubts about Gotoupc’s ability to adequately assist clients as advertised, demanding a more rigorous analysis of practices and outcomes.

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Examining Gotoupc Settlement Success Rates

No legitimate debt services firm can substantiate extraordinary claims without data. So I searched for evidence of Gotoupc’s actual settlement success rates.

Unfortunately no such data could be found on their website or other public records. Instead, their main marketing focuses on promises of unrealistic debt relief percentages.

This lack of transparency is a enormous red flag. Reputable companies proudly publish detailed client metrics to prove the benefits clients can realistically expect to see.

gotoupc scam review

Analyzing Gotoupc Debt Resolution Processes

To better understand their methodology, I examined Gotoupc’s debt handling processes in more depth: And It remains unclear if they actually validate and legally dispute debts upfront as required.

Gotoupc seems to immediately push payment plans exceeding clients’ abilities to pay long-term without other viable options. Their website mentions no debt collection law knowledge or proper negotiation tactics with creditors.

Gotoupc fails to disclose details on what types of debts they can and cannot actually settle successfully. After this in-depth research, I could not find any proof Gotoupc provides legitimate debt validation, counseling or proven resolution practices required for ethical, compliant operations.

Attempting Contact for More Information

In a final attempt for transparency, I called Gotoupc requesting specific data like average settlement amounts, success rates over time, client testimonials or a consultation.

Unfortunately none of my attempts resulted in a substantive response. Phone calls went unanswered and messages were not returned.

This lack of communication confirms the negative pattern seen in hundreds of unsatisfied customer reviews – leaving clients confused and without real solutions.

Conclusion: Is Gotoupc Scam or Legit?

After a thorough independent analysis of Gotoupc, I cannot recommend their services based on the following conclusions:

  • Unrealistic debt relief promises are not substantiated by any evidence of actual settlement outcomes or client success metrics.
  • Review patterns and complaints indicate empty promises, poor processes, and inability to deliver promised results for the majority of clients.
  • Alarming lack of transparency on fees, processes, and settlement data violates ethical practices standards for the industry.
  • Failure to validate and legally dispute debts upfront contradicts legitimate debt resolution procedures.
  • Unresponsive communication mirrors negative review experiences, exacerbating concerns rather than addressing them.
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While seeking debt help is understandable, consumers must carefully vet any firm’s legitimacy, track record and ability to legally, transparently deliver concrete results – none of which Gotoupc demonstrates.

There are certainly reputable alternatives available that publish real data and specialize in compliant practices. Take time to research options thoroughly before committing funds or personal information. Your financial well-being is too important not to validate a company’s capabilities and protect your rights.

With so many unanswered concerns, it remains impossible for me to recommend Gotoupc based on the information available. I hope this in-depth review helps avoid potential issues and allows consumers to make the best choice for their situation. Please share any relevant insights or experiences in the comments.

What steps should I take if I suspect a debt resolution company is a scam?

Here are some steps you can take if you suspect a debt resolution company is a scam:

  1. Check with the Better Business Bureau. Search for the company and read any complaints or reports on their profile. This can give you insights into customers’ experiences.
  2. Research online reviews. Look up the company on SitesJabber, Trustpilot, and Google reviews to read what other customers are saying. Pay attention to trends in negative reviews.
  3. Verify company licensing and registration. Legitimate debt resolution firms should be properly licensed in the states they operate in. Search registration databases for the company’s credentials.
  4. Contact your state’s consumer protection agency. Report suspected scam activities to your state Attorney General’s office. They may investigate further to protect consumers.
  5. Contact the original creditors directly. See if the company is actually negotiating on your behalf by validating details with creditors involved in your accounts.
  6. Check for FTC actions. Search the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) database for any past enforcement actions or ongoing investigations into the company.
  7. Cease contact and stop payments. Immediately stop sending the company money or providing personal/financial details if major red flags emerge during research.
  8. Consider a chargeback. Contact your credit card company to report unauthorized charges and dispute any payments if the company is unlicensed or proven fraudulent.
  9. Report them to law enforcement. In severe scam cases, file a complaint with local police/FBI internet crime division to have them investigated.
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How can I find a reputable debt resolution company instead?

Here are some tips for finding a reputable debt resolution company:
  • Ask friends/family for referrals from people who have successfully used a company. Personal recommendations hold more weight.
  • Search online reviews on sites like the Better Business Bureau, Trustpilot, etc. Look for companies with many positive reviews over several years.
  • Make sure the company is properly licensed in your state. Search your state licensing body to verify their credentials.
  • Choose an established company that has been in business for 5+ years with a permanent local address. Newer companies may lack experience.
  • Check if they are AADC (Association of Settlement Companies) members, which have agreed to comply with standards.
  • Ask about experience/credentials. Reputable firms employ certified debt counselors and experts.
  • Get details on average settlement amounts and success rates in writing. Reputable companies openly share client outcome data.
  • Verify the firm actually provides debt validation, counseling, and counseling options beyond settlement alone if needed.
  • Watch out for upfront fees and ensure a fair fee structure. Reputable firms usually charge a percentage of settled debt only.
  • Consider companies recommended by nonprofit credit counseling agencies instead of relying on ads alone.

Doing thorough research into a company’s legitimacy, follow-through and client outcomes helps ensure choosing a reputable option to facilitate ethical debt resolution.

What specific questions should I ask a debt resolution company during my initial consultation?

  • Are you properly licensed in my state? Can I get your license numbers?
  • What is your process for validating, disputing and negotiating debts?
  • On average, what percentage of total debt do you usually settle for clients?
  • What are your success rates for getting settlements approved?
  • How long does the average resolution process take?
  • What types of debts cannot be settled through negotiation?
  • Will you provide counseling on options like bankruptcy if needed?
  • Can you provide some references or success stories from clients?
  • What services and fees can I expect if I hire you?
  • When and how do I pay fees – as a percent of settled debt only?
  • How do you communicate negotiation status and progress updates?
  • How can I access my case information on your client portal?
  • Do you offer a money-back guarantee if certain results aren’t met?
  • Are there any potential downsides I should be aware of?

Asking these types of clarifying questions upfront ensures you fully understand the company’s capabilities and helps you identify any suspicious or vague responses.

Also Read: Is Scam or Legit? Honest Review


Abby is a cybersecurity enthusiast and consumer advocate with over a decade of experience in investigating and writing about online fraud. My work has been featured in Relevant Publications. When not unmasking scammers, I enjoy programming and researching latest loopholes tips and tricks to stay secure online.