Is NZ Assist Scam or Legit? Uncovering The Truth

NZ Assist is a company that has generated significant controversy regarding whether their business practices constitute a scam. As with any such accusation, the reality is nuanced.

In this honest review, I will analyze available information on NZ Assist in an impartial, facts-based manner to help readers make an informed decision. Let’s dive in.

Background of NZ Assist Scam

NZ Assist Limited was incorporated in early 2019. It engages in unsolicited telemarketing to homeowners, pitching financial products and services. This triggered alarm bells for some given unsolicited calls have frequently been a vector for scams in the past.

The director behind NZ Assist, Kylie Turgis, has previous involvement in similar controversies. In 2009-2010, her former company NZ Invest was publicly warned by authorities over potentially deceptive property investment schemes. Some thus viewed NZ Assist with instant skepticism due to this history.

However, skepticism does not prove a business is fraudulent. Many legitimate marketing firms also rely on unsolicited calls.

There remains a grey area around what constitutes an acceptable sales technique versus a deceptive practice. To determine the truth requires examining multiple perspectives objectively.

Allegations of a Scam

Critics point to several concerning behaviors:

✓ Calls aggressively pursue personal financial details without clearly explaining the purpose upfront. This mirrors tactics used by scams.

✓ The company and director have changing names, making their true nature opaque. This can be a red flag for deceitful operations.

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✓ There is little transparency around the products and services actually being sold. Lack of clarity is a hallmark of schemes intent on confusing victims.

✓ Getting consumer data from questionable lists raises privacy issues and risks enabling further scams if information is mishandled or sold.

✓ Past warnings against the director’s previous business damages trust in NZ Assist upholding ethical standards.

If substantiated, such practices could indicate deceptive marketing bordering on fraud. However, allegations are not proof – the other side deserves a voice too for balance.

The Company’s Defense

When confronted, NZ Assist maintains they sell legitimate financial products and coaching programs to help homeowners. They argue:

✓ Cold-calling, while unwanted by some, is a standard industry practice when done respectfully and not deceptively.

✓ Privacy is protected according to legal requirements in obtaining and handling consumer data.

✓ Past issues do not necessarily define the new business, which should be judged on its own conduct.

✓ Without direct engagement, it’s impossible for outsiders to fully understand what is being offered or how sales conversations actually proceed.

✓ Thus far they have not been found guilty of any improper or illegal activities by authorities. Innocence is presumed.

So in their view, the business model and products are legit even if facing understandable skepticism due to prior controversies and use of unsolicited marketing. More data is needed to break the stalemate.

Trying to Get to the Bottom of It

With credible cases on both sides, who is right? The truth requires investigating further:

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✔️ Examining contracts, training processes and sales scripts could show if interactions are really clear, helpful and consent-based or ambiguously pushing products.

✔️ Speaking to past clients about their experiences – were promises delivered, needs sufficiently understood and addressed?

✔️ Checking with authorities if any formal or informal complaints triggered investigations exposing issues.

✔️ Vetting credentials of those behind the business and independently verifying product/service value propositions.

✔️ Considering if the controversy itself harms even well-meaning efforts due to loss of public trust from past associations.

More transparency from NZ Assist could help interested consumers and critics assess further. But definitive answers may remain elusive without a formal probe. For now, the controversy continues with reasonable views on both sides.

Taking a Cautious, Think-For-Yourself Approach

Given ambiguity, the wisest path is cautious skepticism without rushed judgment either way:

  • Remain politely non-committal in calls until interested in learning more, not giving away private data casually.
  • Verify promises and credentials independently before signing up or paying for anything.
  • Consider if offered programs really align with personal needs and budgets or feel too good to be true.
  • Be watchful for high-pressure sales tactics veering into unacceptable intimidation or deception.
  • Exercise the right to revoke consent and withdraw at any time without reason or penalty.

With an open yet prudent mindset, individuals can thoughtfully assess for themselves what NZ Assist has to offer versus trusting blindly in controversy-laden brands. In the absence of certainty, due diligence and sound judgment must rule the day.


Legitimate businesses can understandably face questions when wading into grey areas of unsolicited marketing linked to past issues.

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For NZ Assist, skepticism is understandable yet they reserve the right to prove themselves with time. Consumers would be wise to carefully consider their experiences interacting with the company instead of making assumptions either way due to controversy alone.

With an impartial examination of available facts, you can hopefully come to informed personal conclusions on this debate.

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Abby is a cybersecurity enthusiast and consumer advocate with over a decade of experience in investigating and writing about online fraud. My work has been featured in Relevant Publications. When not unmasking scammers, I enjoy programming and researching latest loopholes tips and tricks to stay secure online.