Invest NextThing Tech Scam or Legit? Beware! Don’t Be Fooled

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Invest NextThing Tech has been gaining a lot of attention lately as a hot new investment opportunity. But is it legit or just another scam trying to profit off the cryptocurrency hype? This in-depth review will uncover the truth about NextThing.Tech and help you decide if it’s worth investing in.

Overview of Invest.NextThing.Tech

Invest.NextThing.Tech is an innovative energy storage company that has developed proprietary battery technology to replace lithium batteries. According to the website, this new technology is cheaper, safer, and more sustainable than lithium.

The company claims to have already made major advancements in developing this technology and is now offering the public a chance to invest through an equity crowdfunding campaign. The minimum investment is $150 and NextThing Techechnologies states investors could see massive returns if the company succeeds.

On the surface, it sounds like an exciting investment opportunity in renewable energy. But there are a number of red flags with this offer that should give potential investors pause.

Invest NextThing Tech


Suspicious Investment Claims

The investment claims made by NextThing.Tech seem exaggerated and unrealistic. The website states that based on their projections, a $5,000 investment could potentially grow to $1,250,000. That would be an astronomical return of 25,000%!

They also claim that if they capture just 10% of the US home battery market, they could generate $15 billion in annual revenue. These types of inflated projections are common tactics used by fraudulent investment schemes to entice unsuspecting investors.

Legitimate businesses provide realistic forecasts backed by verifiable data. NextThing.Tech does not provide any concrete evidence to validate their lofty projections. Statements like “based on our projections” and “could be worth” indicate these are purely speculative guesses, not guaranteed returns.

Vague Technology Details

For a company claiming to have revolutionary technology poised to disrupt the energy industry, NextThing.Tech provides surprisingly few technical details about how their batteries actually work.

Their website includes vague descriptions like “proprietary technology” and “next-gen battery”. But there are no specifics on the materials, chemistry, or innovations that make their batteries superior to lithium-ion.

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This lack of transparency is a major red flag. If NextThing.Tech truly had a breakthrough battery prototype, they should be able to provide in-depth data to showcase their technological achievements. The fact that they hide behind buzzwords indicates they likely have nothing substantial to back up their claims.

Suspicious Team Credentials

The team behind NextThing.Tech also raises some questions. The website lists a few key players like the CEO, an engineering advisor, and a marketing director. But theseappear to be stock photos, not actual headshots of the listed individuals.

A quick online search reveals no professional background or LinkedIn profiles for any of the named team members. The CEO “Jason Adams” and engineering advisor “Ahmad Pesaran” have zero online footprint or credentials outside of the NextThing.Tech website.

For a company with such an advanced technology, you would expect a robust team of engineers, scientists, and industry veterans. The fact that the NextThing.Tech team seems fabricated should make potential investors think twice.

Invest NextThing Tech Scam

Countdown Timer High-Pressure Tactics

The NextThing.Tech website uses several high-pressure sales tactics to get visitors to invest quickly. This includes a countdown timer warning the funding portal will close soon.

Countdown timers are a common gimmick used by scammers to create false urgency. There is no reason a legitimate investment offer would have such a short window or arbitrary cutoff date.

This tactic, combined with language like “limited-time offer” and “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity”, is intended to pressure visitors into investing without deeper research. Again, these are not signs of a real, trustworthy investment.

Hidden Company Address

One way to assess an investment offer is to look up the physical company address. But NextThing.Tech does not provide a full address on their website.

The only location listed is “Oceanside, CA”. This makes it impossible to confirm whether the company has a real office space or is just a fake entity operating online.

Why would a well-funded energy tech startup omit their company address? This lack of transparency is likely to hide the fact that NextThing.Tech exists only on paper.

Website Registration Details

A WHOIS domain lookup can provide more clues about a website’s legitimacy. The domain Invest.NextThing.Tech was registered privately through Namecheap, a common domain registrar.

While registered privately, the domain does appear to have been registered in 2019, indicating it is not brand new. However, the vagueness around the true owner is concerning, as scammers often hide behind private registrations.

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It’s also worth noting the domain registration contact is an email at Namecheap, not a NextThing.Tech company email. This adds to the likelihood that NextThing.Tech is not a real operational business.

Client Testimonials Appear Fake

Most legitimate companies will include client testimonials to showcase satisfaction with their products. NextThing.Tech does include positive customer reviews, but these appear fabricated.

The 3 testimonials available when you click “Read Reviews” are all generic, overly positive, and read like a scripted sales pitch. They do not mention any specific details about working with NextThing.Tech batteries.

The reviewers also have absurdly generic names like “Steve C.” and “Jennifer W.”. The photos look like cheap stock images, not real people. It’s safe to say these reviews are completely made up.

No Evidence of Actual Product

Perhaps the biggest red flag of all is that NextThing.Tech provides no evidence that a working prototype of their battery technology even exists. All the website shows are basic stock images of batteries.

For a company supposedly ready to begin manufacturing revolutionary home batteries in the next 18 months, there are no videos of their technology in action, no demonstration of prototypes, no lab results, nothing.

It strains credibility that a company with such an allegedly advanced battery has nothing more than CGI pictures to show for it. This underscores that NextThing.Tech is all hype with no substance.

Final Verdict: NextThing.Tech is a Scam

After analyzing the multiple red flags and questionable claims, I can confidently say Invest.NextThing.Tech is a scam. This company displays all the signs of a fraudulent crypto investment scheme.

Some clear warning signs to avoid this “opportunity” include:

  • Wildly unrealistic investment return projections
  • Vague, buzzword-filled technology descriptions
  • No evidence of real leadership team or company history
  • Fake customer testimonials and reviews
  • High-pressure sales tactics and countdown timer
  • No proof of an actual working product

Invest.NextThing.Tech aims to capitalize on the cryptocurrency and energy storage hype to entice unsuspecting investors. But there is no evidence it is a legitimate company with real technology. Its promises of huge returns are completely fabricated to steal people’s money.

The website may look slick and professional, but I strongly advise avoiding sending this company any money. Stick to proven crypto investments with transparent details and realistic projections. And beware of any investment that pressures you to act fast—that urgency is always a red flag of a scam.

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Hopefully this in-depth review has provided the proof needed to avoid the NextThing.Tech crypto investing scam. Please share this article to help warn others not to get tricked by these fraudsters. Invest safely!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Invest.NextThing.Tech endorsed by any major companies?

No, there are no major companies endorsing or partnering with NextThing.Tech. The website falsely claims the CEO has worked with Netflix, Facebook, and Lyft, but there is no evidence of this.

How do they explain the technology behind their batteries?

The website uses vague, technical-sounding buzzwords like “proprietary technology” and “next-gen battery.” But there are no real details or scientific evidence provided about how their batteries work. This is a major red flag.

Can I get my money back if I invest in NextThing.Tech and it’s a scam?

If you realize you’ve been scammed, you should immediately report it to the SEC and contact your bank or credit card company to file a fraud complaint. However, it’s unlikely you would recoup the money already lost to the scammers. This is why it’s critical to avoid sending them money in the first place.

Are the team members listed on the website real people?

No, the team appears to be fake. The photos look like cheap stock images and the names don’t show up linked to any real profiles. This is a common tactic scammers use to fabricate credibility.

Is there a working prototype of their battery technology?

There is zero evidence that a working prototype exists. No videos, lab results, or demonstration. This reveals that their claims of advanced battery technology are complete fiction.

Does NextThing.Tech have any real notable investors or backers?

No, there are no major investors, partners, or backers referenced. The website makes dubious claims of “advisors from Tesla, Panasonic” but provides no proof. This is likely fabricated to dupe investors.

Are the positive customer reviews on their website legit?

No, the few positive testimonials appear clearly fake. They are overly positive, generic, and provide no real details on using the product. Investors should completely ignore these reviews.

Key Takeaways: Why Invest.NextThing.Tech is a Total Scam

  • Outlandish investment return projections (25,000% gains)
  • No real details on their “revolutionary” battery technology
  • Entire team looks fabricated with no online credentials
  • Countdown timer and other high-pressure sales gimmicks
  • No evidence of working prototype or real product
  • Fully concealed company address and ownership
  • Fake customer testimonials and reviews
  • No major backers or independent endorsements

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Abby is a cybersecurity enthusiast and consumer advocate with over a decade of experience in investigating and writing about online fraud. My work has been featured in Relevant Publications. When not unmasking scammers, I enjoy programming and researching latest loopholes tips and tricks to stay secure online.