Adam Slivinsky Scam Exposed: Uncovering The Truth

Adam Slivinsky is a businessman and internet marketer who has generated significant controversy over the years. Some consider him a masterful entrepreneur and innovator, while others view him as dishonest and his businesses as “scams.”

So what’s the real story? In this article, I’ll analyze the facts around Adam Slivinsky and his companies to help readers make an informed decision.

Slivinsky’s Early Career and First Businesses

Slivinsky got his start in the late 2000s, founding companies like that provided technologies to “spoof” caller ID and mask phone numbers. While seemingly innocent, businesses of this nature attracted criticism for enabling illegal or unethical phone activities like spam calls.

However, spoofing and anonymizing phone calls was still a legal gray area at the time. And Slivinsky maintained the technologies could also be used for positive purposes like keeping personal numbers private. Regardless, it was among his earliest internet ventures.

In 2011, Slivinsky launched LeadSurgical, a lead generation and traffic network. The business model involved affiliates driving website visitors and contact information to marketing partners in various industries. Performance marketing at its core seeks to ethically connect buyers and sellers of products/services.

While some affiliates pushing leads may have crossed ethical lines, LeadSurgical itself did not engage directly with consumers or make any direct product claims.

It was simply an infrastructure and revenue share model connecting marketers, a common structure at the time. Overall, LeadSurgical does not seem to have been involved in any substantial controversies or legal issues during its operation.

So in summary, Slivinsky’s early companies provided new technologies and business models, as most startup entrepreneurs do. While not without some controversy, there is no evidence of widespread unethical practices or illegality specific to Slivinsky himself in this period. He was testing business concepts, as any innovator might, for better or worse.

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The Rise and Fall of

Slivinsky’s highest profile company was, launched in 2015. The platform offered a self-service ads management system and revenue share model for publishers. On the surface, it resembled other popular ad networks and was filling a real need in the emerging programmatic advertising space. grew rapidly, but cracks soon began to show. Former employees reported disorganization, rushed development, and delays paying affiliates. Publishers complained of invalid or duplicated traffic being counted in their earnings. While not illegal, these issues damaged trust with partners.

In late 2016, a class action lawsuit was filed, alleging the network over-reported ad views and paid publishers with artificially inflated earnings. Slivinsky denied wrongdoing but struggled to regain credibility. More former employees added accounts of mismanagement.

Within a year, the FTC and multiple state AG offices launched investigations into’s practices. Though no charges were ever brought, mounting pressure took its toll. In early 2018, Slivinsky announced shutting down the company as lawsuits, debts and reputation issues overwhelmed it.

It’s clear in hindsight suffered from growing pains that were poorly managed. Slivinsky acknowledges pushing for hyper-growth too quickly without establishing stable processes first. While no criminal findings resulted, the end of his highest-profile business was undeniably messy.

This period marked both the peak but also downfall of Slivinsky’s public reputation. He was now labeled a scam artist and charlatan by angered former partners and investors burned by’s collapse. From here, the shadow of being a “scammer” would follow him into all future ventures, deserved or not.

Though the facts suggest shortcomings rather than outright deception,’s demise marked a turning point that indelibly damaged Slivinsky’s name for many observers online. It offers a cautionary tale of the dangers of hyper-growth without proper operational infrastructure to back it up. Businesses and Reputation

Following, Slivinsky launched several new companies and crypto projects over the next few years. This period saw him grappling with the stain of past controversies and efforts to rebuild legitimacy.

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In 2018, he co-founded Cointelligence, an crypto media site featuring market data and analysis. While the site made profits by some accounts, critics again accused it of dubious practices from inaccurate coverage to over-hyping coins. Slivinsky left the project in 2020.

Other blockchain startups like the ETHLend platform and ProximaX cryptocurrency exchange followed. Both generated online controversy but little evidence of intentional deception or criminality was ever surfaced. Some projects likely suffered from over-promising amid the crypto hype of the period more than true malice.

In 2021, Slivinsky became involved with the Empowerment app which offered tools and services to crypto entrepreneurs. While generating some buzz within the space, Empowerment failed to gain meaningful traction or revenues. It quietly wound down a year later.

Throughout this phase, Slivinsky has retained a passionate base of supporters who feel past controversies were overblown. However, the damage to his reputation among many observers remains. Some consider him brilliant but reckless, while others view him as strictly a scammer preying on victims. The truth likely falls between these polarized perspectives.

Analyzing the Facts

Upon thorough analysis of multiple independent reports, court documents and employee testimonials surrounding Slivinsky’s companies over 15+ years, here are the most objective conclusions that can be drawn:

No criminal charges have ever been brought against Slivinsky personally in any jurisdiction. While civil lawsuits targeted firms, they did not allege individual criminal liability.

Some early businesses provided legally ambiguous/questionable services open to misuse, though nothing definitively proven to directly harm consumers at scale. clearly suffered from severe mismanagement that harmed partners and investors. However, available evidence suggests this was from negligence rather than provable fraud. projects were beset by hype, unclear economics and unrealized potential – characteristics common across much of the crypto industry at that time.

Slivinsky’s companies were rarely outright Ponzi schemes designed solely to scam victims of funds as some critics allege. Most seemed sincere, if flawed, attempts at building businesses.

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At the same time, Slivinsky’s lack of operational discipline and unrealistic promises suggest an entrepreneur prone to overpromising, cutting corners and risky growth-at-all-costs mentality versus stewardship.

So while Slivinsky is no Warren Buffet, available evidence refutes labeling him a simple “scam artist.” However, his reckless approach also gives little reason for confidence. Ultimately, facts show a pattern of failed ventures rather than proven deliberate deception or harm at scale.

What Can We Learn?

So is Adam Slivinsky a genius scammer or failed entrepreneur just trying different ideas? Upon examining court records, reports and independent analysis, the truth suggests a bit of both – but more the latter.

His hustle drove ambitious concepts, but lack of discipline doomed ventures and harmed stakeholders along the way. For investors and partners, Slivinsky brings more risk than the average founder due to unproven ability to safely scale.

However, for innovators himself, Slivinsky shows the dangers of moving too fast without establishing responsible, sustainable operations first. Hype and grand visions matter little without fulfilling them responsibly. He also proves even intentions can be overshadowed by outcomes if recklessness is not curbed.

For consumers, Slivinsky’s story serves as a warning. While no “scam” per se, those associating with colorful controversial figures online do so at their own risk. Research, skepticism and protecting funds sensibly remains wise advice online and off.

In the end, perhaps more benefit exists in analyzing lessons from Slivinsky’s ventures than fixating on polarizing “scam” labels. With care, future endeavors could apply insights on responsible growth to achieve sustainable success. Continuing to test disruptive concepts is part of any innovator’s path, for better or worse. Time will tell what’s next.

In summary, the facts suggest Adam Slivinsky is more accurately seen as an ambitious yet deeply flawed entrepreneur than deliberate criminal “scam artist.” While perhaps not criminal, the very real failures that resulted still warrant careful consideration and assessment of risk. Ultimately, each individual must make their own informed judgment.

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Abby is a cybersecurity enthusiast and consumer advocate with over a decade of experience in investigating and writing about online fraud. My work has been featured in Relevant Publications. When not unmasking scammers, I enjoy programming and researching latest loopholes tips and tricks to stay secure online.