Is Twverify Scam or Legit? Uncovering the Truth

You may have recently received an unexpected text with a 6-digit verification code from Twverify. Naturally, you start wondering – is Twverify trying to scam me? I didn’t sign up for any service!

Well, you’re not alone. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll uncover everything you need to know about Twverify, including whether it’s a scam or not.

What is Twverify?

Twverify is an authentication service owned by Twilio, a major communications platform. It allows companies to send one-time passcodes to their customers via SMS for login verification and other security purposes.

So if you suddenly receive an unsolicited verification code text, it likely means:

Someone mistakenly entered your phone number instead of theirs when signing up for a service that uses Twverify for authentication.

A company you signed up with in the past now uses Twverify to send security codes instead of their previous provider.

Twverify itself is a legitimate service – not a scam. However, scammers are now taking advantage of Twverify’s name recognition to create elaborate social media verification scams. More on that later!

First, let’s cover the basics of how Twverify works and its relationship with Twilio.

Twverify and Its Parent Company Twilio

Twverify is owned by Twilio, a major communications platform used by companies like Airbnb, Amazon, and Uber to communicate with their customers.

Twilio offers various communication APIs, including SMS, voice calls, email, push notifications, and WhatsApp messaging. Their authentication API is called Twilio Verify.

This is likely where the name “Twverify” comes from – it’s essentially the consumer name for Twilio’s behind-the-scenes verification service API.

Twverify helps companies easily send one-time passcodes to customer phone numbers for login verification and other security purposes without needing to build this functionality from scratch.

Fun fact: Twilio also offers another authentication product called Authy that provides an end-user mobile app for managing tokens instead of relying solely on SMS codes.

Now that we know Twverify itself is a legitimate service, what’s with all the “Twverify scam” talk floating around lately? Let’s dig in.

The Twverify Social Media Verification Scam Explained

While Twverify as an authentication tool is perfectly legit, scammers have begun posing as celebrities and influencers on social media to execute an elaborate Twverify scam targeting their fans and followers.

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Here’s how this scam typically works:

The scammer impersonates a celebrity or influencer by creating a fake social media account with their name and photos.

They engage with real fans and eventually offer them a chance to get their account “verified” too to seem more official.

When fans express interest in getting verified, the scammer claims they need to first process a “verification fee” of around $5-15 through PayPal, Cash App, or gift cards.

After submitting payment, fans obviously don’t end up getting verified. And the scammer disappears with their money while victims have little recourse.

This is also sometimes called the “blue check verification scam” in reference to the blue checkmark networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube use to verify official celebrity, business, and influencer accounts.

Scammers exploit fans’ desires to have that elite status symbol next to their names and trick them into paying for the promise of verification.

The use of Twverify lends credibility to the scam. Dropping an official-sounding service like Twverify makes the verification offer seem legit to unsuspecting fans and followers.

But rest assured – the real Twverify service itself has nothing to do with these scams on social media.

Now that you understand exactly how the Twverify scam works to trick fans and followers, let’s explore some real-life examples of this scam in action.

Twverify Scam Examples Making the Rounds on Social Media

While cleverly executed, these Twverify scams often follow predictable patterns across different social media platforms:


Katie M. received a Facebook message from someone posing as Dr. Phil offering verification services:

A closer look shows the account was created that same month. Not something the real Dr. Phil’s camp would suddenly do after being on Facebook for over a decade. Big red flag!

Using Twverify added legitimacy to the offer. But Katie wisely questioned the scam attempt instead of submitting personal information or payment.


Here’s an example of the Twverify scam happening on Instagram from Kaspersky:

While the account bears Ellen DeGeneres’ name and photos, notice the handle contains an alternate spelling (@theellenshoww). This slight misspelling allows scammers to impersonate celebrities who already have the exact handle locked in.

The elaborate scam post even mentions Ellen’s recent health problems to sound more convincing. Promising Instagram verification through Twverify seems legitimate and only costs $10.

But fans would simply be lining the scammer’s pockets. The real Ellen would never request payment from fans like this or use an alternate handle like @theellenshoww.

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Here’stweet screenshotted by a user named Macazino Salami showing the attempted Twverify scam:

Like other examples, the scammer is posing as Lady Gaga with her name and photos offering $20 Twitter verification through Twverify.

While believable on the surface, several signs indicate it’s a scam attempt: Suspicious handle @ladygagaog instead of her real @ladygaga account. Requesting payment for a service Twitter offers for free (blue badge verification). Too-good-to-be-true promise of turning a boring profile into a celebrity-like verified account.

Thankfully this user had their scam radar activated. But other fans likely got tricked into paying $20 for empty verification promises.


YouTubers with lots of subscribers are common impersonation targets too. Here a scammer posing as MrBeast offers verification services:

While promising legitimate verification through Twverify for just $5, the deceptive signs are there: Channel name copied as “MrBeast6000” instead of the real “MrBeast” brand. Just 3 subscribers and no views or content. Ridiculously low $5 pricing for coveted verification status

Thankfully this Twitter user recognized the inconsistencies early. But other fans enticed by the elite promise of a checkmark may have engaged further only to lose money.

As we can see, while details vary, these Twverify scams across different platforms follow similar patterns with clear red flags: Misspelled or slightly altered account names and handles. Nearly non-existent social history and metrics for supposed “celebrity” accounts. Requests for small payments via sketchy methods before providing services

Knowing how to spot these signs can help you avoid falling for Twverify verification scams on social media.

Now let’s shift gears to address an important related question – how victims can report these scams to protect others from potential harm.

How to Report Twverify Scams to Social Media Platforms

If you encounter an imposter account using Twverify’s name as part of a verification scam, you can report it directly to the social media platform:


  • Click the three dots beside the post or account name
  • Select “Find support or report post”
  • Choose “Fake Account” as the issue type


  • Tap the three dots above the profile
  • Select “Report”
  • Choose “Pretending to be someone” as the issue


  • Click the three dots by the Tweet
  • Select “Report Tweet”
  • Choose “They are pretending to be me or someone else”


  • Click the three dots next to video title
  • Select “Report”
  • Choose “Scams or fraud” as the reason

Reporting suspect accounts helps get them shut down faster before they can scam more innocent victims.

You can also directly warn friends targeted by Twverify scams on social media. Kindly message them explaining it’s an imposter account. Provide the reporting steps too in case they already engaged with the scammers.

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Vigilance and quick reporting is key to slowing these scams. Now let’s cover what actions Twverify itself is taking to combat their name being misused.

What Twverify is Doing to Fight Back Against Scams

Twverify’s parent company Twilio is actively working to curb abuse of their brand name and products for fraudulent purposes.

Their trust & safety team employs advanced technology and human expertise to detect and shut down scam accounts. This includes:

  • Automated analysis – Tracking behavior patterns and anomalies suggesting scam activity
  • Credential inspection – Reviewing account credentials for signs of fakes
  • Employee verification – Manual reviews by trust & safety experts

They also partner with communication carriers worldwide to trace and blacklist phone numbers used for smishing campaigns – SMS phishing scams.

In 2021 alone Twilio blocked over 35 million suspicious registration attempts and deactivated nearly 750,000 fraudulent accounts.

So while Twverify scams persist as opportunistic fraudsters pop up, extensive safeguards work round the clock to fight back.

Twilio also provides guidelines for submitting scam complaints and reporting imposter accounts beyond just social media platforms.

However, individuals still need to vigilantly spot red flags to avoid getting hooked by creative social media verification scams in the first place.

Key Takeaways: Is Twverify a Scam or Legit?

In summary – no, Twverify itself is not a scam or fake. Key takeaways:

✅ Twverify is a legitimate authentication service owned by communications leader Twilio

⚠️ However, scammers are now using Twverify’s brand recognition to execute elaborate social media verification scams

️‍♂️ Watch for signs like misspelled names, low metrics, payment requests to spot imposter accounts

You can report fake accounts directly to each platform or to Twilio to help curb abuse

So while Twverify as an authentication tool remains perfectly valid, unchecked impersonators have figured out how to exploit fans and followers using its name.

But armed with the insights from this guide, you now have the knowledge needed to avoid falling victim plus take actions to protect others.

Scams will sadly always evolve with the times. So remain vigilant whenever you see offers too good to believe. Verify details instead of blindly engaging – no pun intended!

Stay safe out there and don’t hesitate to share this guide to help friends avoid Twverify’s impersonation issue from compromising their personal data or wallets.

Together we can improve visibility on this scam trend to eventually curb its power and influence fully. There is power in awareness after all!

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Abby is a cybersecurity enthusiast and consumer advocate with over a decade of experience in investigating and writing about online fraud. My work has been featured in Relevant Publications. When not unmasking scammers, I enjoy programming and researching latest loopholes tips and tricks to stay secure online.