Public Partnerships LLC Scam or Legit? Unveiling The Truth

Public Partnerships LLC (PPL) administers funds and provides services for home and community-based programs in many states. However, an alarming number of reviews, complaints and even lawsuits suggest serious issues with how they operate.

This in-depth investigation will uncover whether Public Partnerships is a scam, or if they simply have some improving to do when it comes to service and treatment of staff and clients.

Overview of Public Partnerships LLC

Public Partnerships LLC is a Financial Services company headquartered in Pennsylvania that administers home and community-based services programs in several states.

These programs provide resources and support services to assist people with disabilities and seniors to live independently in their homes instead of in care facilities.

PPL acts as a fiscal intermediary agency, handling payroll, taxes, compliance and other administrative functions related to these programs.

They distribute funds and oversee a network of caregivers, agencies, and other providers that actually deliver services to clients.

Public Partnerships LLC Scam

Public Partnerships LLC Negative Reviews and Complaints

While PPL may sound good in theory, a quick online search reveals flood of terrible reviews and complaints from both caregivers and clients.

On consumer complaint sites like Revdex and the Better Business Bureau, PPL has a very poor 1.3 out of 5 star average rating based on 43 reviews:

“I think PPL is a rip off they need a class action lawsuit against them to know that they cannot mess with people”

“Supervisors promise to call back and follow up and nothing ever gets done. Its absurd that they are allowed to handle so much money from the state for payroll and this is how they do business!!”

“Dealing with this company has been very frustrating. If you have any issues that you have to sort out with them please document everything. Possibly record the phone call.”

“They do everything last minute . i submitted my background check the first week of september and they didnt tell me it was missing anything until a week after my 30 days was up.”

On employment sites like Glassdoor and Indeed, current and past employees also vent about late paychecks, payroll errors shorting hours, lack of support from management, high turnover rates, and more.

For example, here’s what one Glassdoor reviewer titled their post:

“Horrible place to work”

And another called PPL:

“The worst company I have ever had to deal with!!”

So why exactly do so many people seem to despise this company? Let’s analyze the recurring complaints in more detail.

Deliberate Late Paychecks and Payroll Errors?

One of the most common grievances is not getting paid on time or getting shorted on hours worked. For low wage caregivers living paycheck to paycheck, even a few days delay can mean bills going unpaid and unnecessary fees.

While occasional payroll issues happen everywhere, the high number of consistent complaints at PPL seems suspicious to some:

“They do everything last minute . i submitted my background check the first week of september and they didnt tell me it was missing anything until a week after my 30 days was up.”

“Hard work for very little pay and benefits.”

“I am in ** and get paid bi-weekly. For 3 pay periods in a row they have not paid me on time and I have to call every day only to be told its an I.T. problem.”

“The pay is LOW, and you get under appreciated.”

The reason for these problems according to PPL? Technical issues or glitches with their systems.

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However, some believe the repeated payroll and payout delays may be deliberate to earn interest on unused funds before disbursing payments.

Especially given the high employee turnover rates, which could exceed the capacity their systems were designed for.

While mere speculation, it does seem suspicious for an agency handling millions in government funds to have such persistent problems with basic payroll functions.

And whether intentional or not, the impact on low-income workers waiting desperately for pay is still unethical and potentially illegal.

Possible Fraud and Misuse of Government Funds

With lack of oversight and reliance on self-reporting of hours worked, falsifying timesheets would be relatively easy in this industry. Some clients may feel tempted to over-report hours to receive excess services paid for by Medicaid.

And indeed, occasional cases have emerged of PPL managers and other being charged with fraud, abuse or kickback schemes over the years.

However, caregivers also sometimes suspect PPL themselves of shaving hours off approved timesheets before payment to pocket the difference. For example:

“They also keep changing her time sheet. I have scree shots that prove what she puts in and when it comes back it’s completely different and short hours time and time again!!”

While inconclusive, it does seem suspicious that a company with so many complaints around shorted hours and late pay may themselves be misusing funds illegally.

And consider how reliant PPL is on government spending, with revenue highly dependent on policies and budgets they don’t control.

Holding back wages and misusing even small amounts from high turnover positions could significantly boost their bottom line.

Possible Violations of Labor Laws

The Fair Labor Standards Act mandates various requirements around pay periods, overtime wages, and more that employers must comply with.

Given the many complaints around late paychecks and unpaid overtime hours, PPL seems likely to be in violation of these labor regulations routinely.

And indeed, some caregivers report contacting the labor board in their state to file complaints against PPL for wage theft.

For example:

“I contacted the ******** ********** of ***** and talk to him ************* who told me that if an employer is one day late of paying you that they are in violation of federal labor laws. I will be filing with the ********** of ***** as soon as the paperwork is received here and I fill it out and send back I will be requesting my daily wage not to exceed 30 days for each offense and this is three times that they have been late on paying me my paycheck…”

It remains to be seen what consequences PPL may eventually face for these alleged violations if enough pressure and documentation is brought to bear by caregivers and advocacy groups.

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Class Action Lawsuits Against PPL

As a result of issues around late payment of overtime hours, PPL was hit with a major class action lawsuit in 2017 on behalf of Pennsylvania caregivers shorted wages.

After various appeals, in 2022 the court finally certified class status for theover 15,000 workers represented. In late 2023, notices went out to victims eligible for damages once a judgement or settlement is reached.

While no decision has been made yet, if the plaintiffs prevail this lawsuit could cost PPL anywhere from tens to hundreds of millions in back pay.

Here’s an excerpt explaining the crux of the wage theft allegations behind the case:

“This putative class action filed on May 11, 2017 alleges that the defendant, PPL, violated federal law and Pennsylvania state law when it denied or underpaid overtime wages to direct care workers it employed. The case further alleges that, as the plaintiff’s primary or joint employer, PPL was responsible for paying these wages.”

And this isn’t the only major lawsuit PPL has battled…

In 2021, Washington state sued PPL for illegally withholding $300 million in caregiver wages, much of which came fromCovid relief funds. Other states such as New York have sued PPL as well for wage theft and labor violations.

While PPL claims the lawsuits and allegations against them are unfair or exaggerated, clearly an enormous number of current and past workers disagree.

And major media outlets have started covering these legal fights questioning PPL’s ethics and business practices as well.

Reviews Alleging Greedy Executives Cutting Corners

At the end of the day, many past employees feel the underlying issue with PPL comes down to greedy executives focused on profits over people:

“Public Partnerships has been intentionally withholding government funded monies from caretakers working for the disabled, They have a Time4care app for caretakers to log their hours that has been malfunctioning for months and leaving workers scrambling to resolve the problem. They have deliberately been obstructing the process of hiring new caretakers, so they can hold onto that money for as long as possible, at the expense of disabled people who cannot get the care they need because of the unnecessary and intentional obstructions practiced by this company. They are corrupt to the core, are stealing taxpayers money, and their abuse of the disabled is criminal.”

“I’m one of the disabled who are being forced to switch from Palco to PPL and already have problems and they don’t officially start until October 2023. My contact to PPL was not the nicest person to deal with and already I can’t contact her as none of the numbers I’ve been given get me a real person just recorded messages. This has disaster written all over it. 5 minutes in to our first meeting and PPL is already talking about my care giver is going to lose money in the switch.”

Attempts to Defend Reputation Met with Skepticism

In response to the tide of negative reviews, PPL has attempted damage control by refuting complaints or claiming isolated incidents:

“We regret to hear your dissatisfaction and frustration with our services. We take your concerns very seriously and have tried looking into your specific issue but were unable to, given the name/email provided in this review. We would like the opportunity to further address this issue. Please contact us via ******************** and provide your full contact information and reference this review so that a member of our team can reach out to you directly. Thank you.”

However, given the sheer volume of similar grievances over late pay, shorted hours, unethical policies, and more – most observers remain skeptical.

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If these were just a few isolated complaints, then PPL’s response would seem more plausible. But page after page of scathing reviews reflecting the same core issues suggest far deeper problems with leadership and corporate culture.

And keep in mind, these negative reviews are likely just the tip of the iceberg. For every person taking time to post publicly, many more distressed employees simply resign quietly.

Warning Signs New Caregivers Should Heed

For caregivers considering contracting with PPL, be sure to keep the following red flags in mind:

  • Chronic payroll issues with late checks
  • Timesheet hours getting routinely reduced
  • Difficulty getting support for problems
  • High employee turnover rates
  • Pending lawsuits over wage theft

While other fiscal management agencies have their critics too, PPL does seem to stand out for an exceptionally high level of dissatisfaction across the board.

And given they primarily serve vulnerable seniors and disabled clients, many argue PPL has an even greater moral obligation to show good ethics and stewardship.

So new caregivers should think twice before getting involved with an organization exhibiting this many warning signs. The headaches and frustration may not be worth the hassle.

Is Public Partnerships Expected to Reform?

While PPL clearly has room for massive improvement, expecting meaningful reforms may be wishful thinking.

For starters, upper management seems highly incentivezed to keep controlling costs and boosting revenue – even via ethically dubious means.

And the nature of their distributed network and self-reported billing makes it easy to shortchange workers and siphon funds undetected on a large scale.

Of course, the lawsuits do present a threat which could force some policy changes around payroll and prevent wage theft. But with legal proceedings dragging on for years, executives likely feel little pressure yet to overhaul practices.

Plus, swarms of unemployed caregivers eager for work continue lining up to replace any who resign over complaints. So the cycle of employee churn and burn persists.

Sadly, until regulatory oversight steps up enforcement or sufficient legal judgements come down against them, PPL lacks motivation to substantively alter their mode of operation. For now, the status quo remains profitable.

Is Public Partnerships a Scam? The Bottom Line

Based on all the evidence, framing PPL specifically as an outright “scam” may be somewhat misleading. They do provide real services and administer legitimate programs helping many in need.

However, clearly Public Partnerships exhibits far too many unethical practices around payroll, blatant fraud vulnerabilities, poor treatment of both caregivers and clients, pending lawsuits, and more.

While certain functions operate smoothly, systemic problems suggest mismanagement at higher levels more concerned with controlling costs than people.

And their failure to remedy such a high volume of complaints also indicates much room for improvement.

In summary, PPL falls well short of standards the public should expect for an organization charged with fairly and compassionately stewarding essential healthcare funds for the needy.

Until substantive reforms take place, both caregivers and clients seem best served finding alternative agencies not mired in so much controversy.

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Abby is a cybersecurity enthusiast and consumer advocate with over a decade of experience in investigating and writing about online fraud. My work has been featured in Relevant Publications. When not unmasking scammers, I enjoy programming and researching latest loopholes tips and tricks to stay secure online.