USPS Postheypz Scam Exposed: How to Avoid Falling Victim

The internet has enabled greater connectivity and convenience in our lives, but it has also given rise to cybercrimes like phishing scams.

One such scam involves fraudulent emails and websites pretending to be the United States Postal Service (USPS). These aim to trick users into providing sensitive personal and financial information.

This article will analyze what is known as the USPS Postheypz scam. We will examine how this scam works, real victim complaints, and most importantly, how you can protect yourself from being targeted.

Let’s dive in

What is the USPS Postheypz Scam?

The USPS Postheypz scam involves emails containing links to the fraudulent website “”. This site claims to be a legitimate USPS portal where users can access tracking information and manage package deliveries.

However, has no actual affiliation with the United States Postal Service. It is a scam operation run by cybercriminals to harvest users’ private data.

The emails prompting people to visit this fake portal are made to appear as if they are official notifications from USPS. They may include made-up tracking numbers and mention fake delivery issues that require you to “verify” or “update” your shipping details on

Unsuspecting users who click on links in the scam emails are directed to the convincing-but-fake website. Once there, they are prompted to input a range of sensitive personal data, exposing it to theft and fraud.

USPS Postheypz Scam

How the USPS Postheypz Scam Actually Works

Here is a step-by-step breakdown of how the USPS Postheypz phishing scam typically unfolds:

Step 1: Victims Receive a Fraudulent USPS Email

The first point of contact is usually an email sent to the target’s inbox. The sender name, email address, and subject line are all spoofed to make it look like official USPS correspondence.

Some common subject lines seen in the scam emails include:

  • USPS: Action Required
  • USPS Delivery Failure Notification
  • USPS: Package Shipping Label Update Needed

The body of the email claims there is some kind of issue with a package delivery attributed to the recipient. Examples of fake issues used in the scam emails include:

  • Failed delivery attempt
  • Problem with your shipping address
  • Customs clearance fee required
  • Issue with shipping label

The message urges the recipient to click on a link to “verify”, “update”, or “pay” for their delivery information on The provided link may be long and obscured to hide the suspicious domain name.

Step 2: Users Click The Link to the Fake Portal

If the recipient takes the bait and clicks on the embedded link, they will be directed to the fraudulent website

This site copies the look and feel of an official USPS portal, featuring the same logo, colors, graphics and general template. To the untrained eye, it appears to be a legitimate extension of

Step 3: Visitors Input Personal Information on the Phishing Website

On the website, users see forms prompting them to enter personal details to “fix” the made-up shipping issues mentioned in the scam email. Information requested includes:

  • Full name
  • Home address
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Credit card number
  • Driver’s license number
  • Social Security Number
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After submitting their sensitive data, victims typically receive an “error” message about issues persisting with their package delivery. This tricks them into thinking their information was merely ineffective rather than stolen.

Meanwhile, the scammers have already harvested all the personal details entered for identity theft and financial fraud purposes.

Step 4: Criminals Steal and Misuse Victims’ Information

With all the names, addresses, dates of birth, Social Security Numbers and more now acquired, the scammers can assume victims’ identities. This lets them open fraudulent credit cards or steal money from existing accounts.

They can also sell the stolen data on the dark web to other cybercriminals. Victims’ personally identifiable information and financial credentials become commodities traded among scam rings.

This leaves victims contending with the long, arduous process of recovering from identity theft – canceling fraudulent transactions, placing fraud alerts, changing passwords, monitoring credit reports and more.

Actual Reviews & Complaints About the USPS Postheypz Scam

Understanding exactly how this scam works is important. But even more telling are real-life cases of people nearly or actually falling victim to this insidious phishing scheme.

Here are just a few reviews and complaints found online that reveal what victims really experience with the USPS Postheypz scam:

“I received an email claiming there was a shipping label problem with a package delivery. It looked like it was from USPS so I clicked the link. It took me to where I started entering my info before realizing it looked fishy. Now I’m worried they got my name, address and phone number. I searched online and found others saying it’s a scam site. Makes me sick to think my identity could be stolen all because of one stupid click. Lesson learned but the damage might be done.”

“My mother received an email about a failed package delivery attempt that asked her to update her shipping details on the Postheypz website. She followed the instructions and entered her credit card info before telling me about it. I instantly knew it was a scam. We called the bank and put a fraud alert on her accounts but who knows if her identity has been compromised. It’s terrifying that a believable phishing scam almost robbed my 80 year old mother of her life savings. People need to be warned about these predator scammers on the internet.”

“I went to the post office after falling for the postheypz scam online. The minute I entered my social security number I knew I had messed up bad. The poor postal workers have been dealing with complaints all day about this scam email being sent around. They advised me to put a credit freeze in place in case the crooks try to open accounts under my identity. Feel so stupid and will be spending the next year trying to undo the damage from one gullible mistake. Don’t believe these too good to be true messages!”

These real-life experiences reveal how easy it is to be deceived. The emails and websites created by scammers are intentionally convincing. Even cyber smart internet users have lapsed in judgment only to regret it.

The most important takeaway is that no company, including USPS, will ever ask for sensitive information via email or external websites. Stop and think before inputting your details, no matter how real the communications may look.

Who is Behind the USPS Postheypz Scam?

The parties responsible for the USPS Postheypz phishing scam have not been identified or prosecuted. However, there are a few possibilities of groups who commonly run such cons and exploit stolen information:

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✔️ Organized Cybercrime Rings – Sophisticated hackers operate on the dark web stealing data to sell or exploiting it for their own gain.

✔️ Foreign Scam Cells – Fraudsters overseas unleash phishing schemes to harm US citizens and commit payment fraud.

✔️ Individual Scam Artists – Solo hackers pull off cons like the usps postheypz scam then sell off the spoils.

✔️ Insider Threats – Corrupt postal workers or contractors abuse their access.

These types of scammers are experts in social engineering – manipulating human psychology to lower defenses. That’s why we must guard our data closely and verify legitimacy rather than relying on face value.

Pursing the criminals depends on victims reporting the phishing scam. The more claims submitted to the United States Postal Inspection Service, the stronger the case to hunt down the fraudsters behind sites like and bring them to justice.

Cooperating with investigators by reporting details helps prevent these same scams from victimizing others in the future.

5 Telltale Signs a USPS Email is a Scam

Wondering if a USPS-themed email reaching your inbox is legitimate or another phishing scam attempt? Watch for these common telltale indicators:

1. Errors and Oddities – Scam messages often contain spelling, grammar or formatting errors. Genuine businesses will have proper writing in official communications.

2. Generic Greetings – Real USPS emails address the recipient personally by name. Scams go with generic greetings like “Dear Postal Customer”.

3. Suspicious Links – Phishing links use obscured URLs or domain names completely different than the real USPS portal. Verify links carefully.

4. Requests for Information – USPS will not ask customers for sensitive data like social security numbers over email. This is always a red flag.

5. Sense of Urgency – Phishing scams try to panic recipients into hastily clicking links and providing information. Emails warning of quick deadlines or account suspensions should raise skepticism. Real agencies give ample response time.

5 Ways to Avoid Becoming a Victim

While cleverly disguised phishing scams mislead even the brightest internet users, implementing a few best practices can greatly reduce your risks:

1. Double Check Unknown Senders

Carefully examine any emails from unfamiliar contacts before acting. Verify the domain name in the address matches the company. Report suspicious senders to USPS.

2. Check for Personalization

Real USPS emails will address you directly by name with proper capitalization. Generic greetings like “Dear postal customer” indicate scams.

3. Call USPS to Confirm Notifications

Don’t reach out using phone numbers or links provided in questionable emails. Look up official USPS customer service contacts and call them to ask about any suspect notices.

4. Use Phishing Detection Browser Extensions

Install security extensions like Netcraft or PhishAlarm that run checks on websites and warn you of threats. They can identify scam portals like Postheypz.

5. Secure Accounts with Two-Factor Authentication

Adding an extra step to log into key accounts makes it harder for scammers to access them even with stolen credentials. Prioritize finance and email logins.

No single precaution is failsafe. But combining vigilance, skepticism, and proactive protections provides the best defense to avoid falling prey.

What To Do If You Fall Victim to the Scam

Despite the best precautions, some savvy scams inevitably slip through. If you suspect your data was compromised from the Postheypz phishing site or scam email, remain calm but act swiftly with these steps:

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1. Contact Banks and Credit Bureaus

Notify your bank and credit card companies about the potential fraud. Request replacement cards, monitor statements closely for suspicious charges, and pull your credit reports to watch for new fraudulent accounts.

2. Reset All Account Passwords

Change your logins and security questions for email, banking, utilities, social media, and anywhere sensitive. Avoid reusing the same credentials across multiple sites.

3. Consider a Credit Freeze

Freezing your credit restricts access to protect your identity. It is free, but keep in mind you must lift it temporarily when applying for new legitimate credit.

4. File a Police Report

Having an official fraud complaint supports your recovery efforts and assists law enforcement tracking scammers. Provide all relevant details on timing, scam emails received, links clicked, and info exposed.

5. Contact Federal Agencies

Report phishing emails to the USPIS. File complaints about potential identity theft stemming from the scam to the FTC and Internet Crime Complaint Center.

6. Scan Devices for Malware

If your device seems compromised, scan it using quality antivirus/malware tools to detect and remove any viruses, spyware or other threats that may have tagged along.


The growing sophistication of scams calls for heightened scrutiny with every click, call and login. We must think critically regarding all online communications to separate fraudulent attempts from genuine interactions.

Carefully considering cues like grammar, urgency and personalization in emails can reveal underlying intentions. Verifying legitimacy directly with agencies before providing information cuts off opportunities for exploitation.

The internet connects and empowers us with its speed and reach – when leveraged safely. Applying the insights above puts you back in control to navigate the digital landscape confidently and capture its benefits without sacrificing peace of mind.

Staying alert, questioning uncertainty, and checking sources enables us all to access helpful online resources while evading increasingly clever fraudsters lurking out there.

Just remember, if an email ever pressures you for information or money transfers, pause and validate the source directly through separate channels every time.

Frequently Asked Questions About the USPS Postheypz Scam

Wondering if that suspicious email is really from USPS or curious how scammers exploit victims? These common questions provide more context about phishing cons like the Postheypz scam:

What is the USPS Postheypz scam?

The USPS Postheypz scam involves fraudulent emails containing links to the fake website This portal impersonating USPS requests sensitive user data under the pretense of managing package deliveries.

How do scammers profit from the scam?

By collecting personal information entered on, scammers steal identities to open fraudulent credit cards or bank accounts. They also sell the data on the black market.

What techniques do scammers use in the phishing emails?

The scam emails mimic USPS communications with spoofed sender details. They make up fake tracking numbers, delivery issues, and urgent requests to trick recipients.

What personal information do victims expose?

The Postheypz site asks for full names, addresses, phone & email contact info, credit card numbers, driver’s licenses, social security numbers and more.

Who is behind the USPS Postheypz scam?

Those running the scam have not been identified yet. Possible culprits include organized cybercrime rings, foreign fraudsters, insider threats, or lone wolf hackers seeking data to steal funds or identities.

How can I avoid falling for this scam?

Watch for phishing red flags like bad grammar, unknown senders, suspicious links and urgent threats. Verify emails by calling USPS directly and enable two-factor authentication on key accounts to mitigate damages from any stolen credentials.

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Abby is a cybersecurity enthusiast and consumer advocate with over a decade of experience in investigating and writing about online fraud. My work has been featured in Relevant Publications. When not unmasking scammers, I enjoy programming and researching latest loopholes tips and tricks to stay secure online.