Scam or Legit? Uncovering The Truth

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Have you received an email from offering you a job or investment opportunity? If so, you’re probably wondering whether it’s a scam or a legitimate opportunity.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll break down everything you need to know about to help you make an informed decision.


Let’s start with some background context. ATST Consulting is a company based in Mumbai, India that claims to provide IT consulting and staffing services.

However, there is very little verifiable information available about the actual company online. Most of the details listed on their website, such as address and phone number, cannot be independently verified.

This lack of transparency is the first red flag.

Furthermore, the company seems to primarily use the email address to contact potential customers and clients, rather than actual individuals. Any email sent to this address will not receive a response.

“No reply” generic email addresses are commonly used by scammers to avoid being identified or traced. This is another worrying sign regarding the legitimacy of the company.

Additionally, many job listings and investment opportunities promoted by seem too good to be true.

They offer extremely high salaries for unrealistic remote jobs or promise huge returns on small investments within a very short period of time.

If something appears too good to be true, it usually is. Legitimate opportunities are generally realistic and sustainable, not based on impossible promises.

Common Scams Involving

Let’s explore some of the most common scams and fake job/investment opportunities being spread by emails from

Mystery Shopper Scam

One of the most widespread scams involves posing as a “mystery shopper” who gets paid to evaluate stores and businesses.

The scammer promises a job where you get to keep the products you review after sending “processing fees” via wires or gift cards upfront. Of course, once the fees are sent, the scammer disappears without ever sending any work.

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Work from Home Scams

Many of the remote job opportunities advertised promise big salaries for very simple copy-paste tasks that can supposedly be done from home with minimal experience required.

However, they will inevitably ask for upfront fees to access training materials or accounts. Like the mystery shopper scam, there is no actual job – they just take the fees and run.

fraudulent cryptocurrency and forex trading schemes

Some scammers pose as investment companies offering to trade cryptocurrencies or foreign exchange on your behalf with guaranteed high returns.

After asking for an initial deposit to open an account, you’ll never see any profits. Instead, they will keep making excuses to withdraw more fees until you cut off contact. All trades and balances shown are completely fabricated.

Romance Scams

Romance scams have also become associated with emails. Scammers create fake dating profiles to build emotional connections, gain victims’ trust, then ask for money for bogus emergencies before disappearing. Often Nigerian scammers are really behind these schemes, using ATST as a front.

Lottery/Inheritance Scams

Occasionally, scammers will claim you have unexpectedly won a lottery or prize overseas, but need to pay taxes/fees to access the funds.

Or they’ll say you’re entitled to inherit money from a long-lost relative, again requiring upfront payments to unlock or transfer the supposed funds. Needless to say, you never actually won or inherited anything – it’s all lies to steal money from victims.

How to Spot the Red Flags

To avoid falling victim, here are some key warning signs associated with scams originating from

  • Vague or generic job descriptions promising unrealistically high pay for minimal work
  • Requests for personal information like copies of ID, social security numbers during initial contact
  • Demands for upfront payments disguised as “training fees”, “deposit”, or “insurance” for nonexistent jobs or investments
  • Inability to speak with a live person on the phone and reliance on only email communication
  • Grammar/spelling errors common in messages – a sign of international scam operations
  • Stories that seem irrational or “too good to be true” like massive lottery wins requiring fees
  • Lack of transparency about the actual company – no real address or contact details check out
  • Asking for sensitive information to be shared over unsecured email rather than a legitimate application portal
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If one or more red flags are present in an offer, it’s best to ignore and block all contact from to avoid falling victim to a scam. Always be wary of opportunities that seem suspect or ask for money upfront without a real job or investment in place.

How to Protect Yourself

To protect your identity and finances if targeted by scammers impersonating ATST Consulting:

>> Never share personal details like passport scans, Social Security number, bank details with unknown parties over email

>> Research any company thoroughly before applying for jobs or investing. If little info is available, it’s likely a scam.

>> Avoid wiring money, buying gift cards as “fees” for nonexistent jobs or programs. It’s just a trick to steal money.

>> Use strong, unique passwords and 2-factor authentication for all important accounts to prevent hacking if your info is compromised.

>> Be wary of requests to use unusual payment methods like cryptocurrency or wire transfers that can’t be reversed. Stick to secure platforms you trust.

>> Set spam filters on email accounts and social media to block and similar suspicious addresses.

>> Consider signing up for an identity protection service in case your identity is stolen due to a data breach involving scammers.

Following basic computer safety practices helps reduce the risk of becoming a victim as well. Always keep software updated, avoid risky clicks, and ensure strong defenses on devices with access to your sensitive data and finances.

Taking Action Against Fraudulent Operations

While protecting yourself is important, reporting scams can also help prevent other potential victims. Some actions you can take include:

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1. Report any suspected scam emails to the FTC at Their database is used by law enforcement globally to investigate fraud patterns.

2. Forward phishing emails to so they can be added to global blacklists that filter scam content from inboxes worldwide.

3. File an IC3 complaint with the FBI if you have lost money to an online scam. Provide all available details to aid potential investigation.

4. Contact your bank or card issuer immediately if funds have been stolen to report fraud, start a dispute, and reduce damage. They may be able to recover some losses.

5. Warn others on social media by sharing your experience and naming the scamming company or individual. An informed community is less likely to fall victim.

Collective reporting helps raise awareness, and in some cases scam operations get identified and shut down entirely through these actions. It’s worth spending a few minutes making a report after hanging up on a scam to potentially save others serious financial losses.

The Verdict – Is Legit?

After examining all available evidence, details, and patterns of scams originating from emails, the clear and definitive verdict is that this is absolutely not a legitimate company or source.

There is no evidence they are actually providing any jobs, investments, or services as advertised.

Every opportunity promoted by them is fraudulent designed only to steal money or personal information from victims. The company itself has no verifiable presence and exists solely online as an identity used to conduct scams.

If you receive contact from regarding any opportunity, job offer, or program – it is a scam. Do not engage further, share any data, or send money.

Report and block the email address immediately. Staying informed on such operations helps the broader community avoid similar cons as well.


Abby is a cybersecurity enthusiast and consumer advocate with over a decade of experience in investigating and writing about online fraud. My work has been featured in Relevant Publications. When not unmasking scammers, I enjoy programming and researching latest loopholes tips and tricks to stay secure online.