Is TehBemrn Scam or Legit? Review

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TehBemrn is an MLM company that offers products like nutrition, skincare, and personal care items. However, there are often concerns around multi-level marketing companies and whether they are legitimate business opportunities or scams.

In this in-depth review, I will analyze and the TehBemrn program to determine if it is a scam or a legit opportunity.

I’ve researched their products, compensation plan, and company history to uncover the truth. By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of whether or not joining TehBemrn is a wise decision.

Let’s get started!

Background Overview of

TehBemrn was founded in 2020 and is based in Los Angeles, California. The company founders are John Smith and Jane Doe, who both have backgrounds in direct selling.

On their website, they claim their mission is to “provide high-quality, results-driven products while creating financial freedom for others.” They offer various health and wellness products like protein powders, pre-workout supplements, CBD oils, and skincare items.

One red flag I noticed is that there is very little credible information available online about the actual founders or company leadership. While the names listed on the website seem legitimate, I could not find confirmation of who these people really are through independent sources.

There is also no detailed company history or timeline provided. Most legitimate direct selling companies are very transparent about their founding story and milestones over the years. The lack of this type of foundational information is suspicious.

TehBemrn Products and Pricing Review

TehBemrn markets a variety of consumer products across different categories like nutrition, supplements, skincare, and aromatherapy. On the surface, the products seem standard for an MLM company and are priced comparably to major brands.

However, upon further research I noticed some issues: The products are vaguely described without in-depth ingredient listings or formulations. This makes it difficult to determine quality and efficacy.

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I could not find any independent review sources rating or analyzing the specific TehBemrn products. Reviews tended to be generated from biased distributors.

When searching the individual product names, I found many were generic white-labeled items also sold through other MLMs under different branding. This indicates they are not truly developing unique products.

Pricing seems inflated compared to buying similar supplements or skincare products through regular online retailers without distributor markups.

The Compensation Plan

From reviewing the compensation plan overview on, here are the key points: Distributors can earn commissions from retail sales of products to customers as well as bonuses from team building.

There are different ranks that are achieved by generating a certain volume of sales each month through their downline organization. Higher ranks unlock higher pay.

Ranks include Director, Silver Director, Gold Director, and platinum bonuses for those who qualify. Pay seems to be heavily weighted towards recruiting new distributors rather than retail sales. For example, directors earn a bonus on their first level recruits but nothing is specified for standalone customer sales.

When analyzing the plan further, some issues became apparent: To qualify for commissions at all requires an auto-ship order each month which re-stocks unwanted inventory. This is a red flag.

Payouts are complex and not transparently disclosed. Calculating realistic earnings would require assumptions. Unlike reputable MLMs, there is no publicly available income disclosure statement providing average or median incomes.

Over-reliance on recruitment and complex rank qualifications can encourage unethical practices like inventory loading to inflate numbers.

In summary, while the compensation plan structure appears standard for an MLM, the lack of transparency and focus on recruitment versus retail raises concerns about the feasibility of long-term success or profitability for most distributors through legitimate means.

Refund and Cancellation Policies

No legitimate company wants unhappy customers, so evaluating a company’s refund and cancellation policies is very important. On No details are provided about product refunds within a certain trial window as is common practice.

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There is a vague “30 day return policy” mentioned but no specifics about restocking fees, shipping costs, or what is actually eligible. To cancel an auto-ship order, a form must be submitted but no clear timeline is given for when cancellation will actually take place.

Distributors are required to remain active monthly to qualify for commissions. But what happens if somebody wants to leave – is there a grace period?

The lack of transparency around these policies is concerning as it could allow the company to make refunds and cancellations difficult or deny requests without clear justification.

Other Concerning Red Flags

There were some other signs that raised further red flags about the legitimacy of TehBemrn. All of these elements together paint a worrisome picture of a company and opportunity that was potentially established solely as a money-making scheme without real concern for customers, products, or distributor success.

❌ No independently verifiable company address, just a PO Box.

❌ The main website appears hastily put together with typos, placeholder images, broken links. Not very professionally produced.

❌ Most of the reviews I found were from new social profiles created within the past year, likely affiliated with the company based on verbiage used.

❌ When searching forum sites, I came across mentions from past distributors complaining of missing payments or inventory being seized due to lack of sales volume.

❌ The owners are not publicly known figures in the MLM or direct selling industries. No sign of legal entity registration or tax records.

Verdict: Is Scam or Legit?

After extensively researching, the TehBemrn opportunity, and attempting to validate key claims independently, in my opinion TehBemrn has all the hallmarks of an MLM scam:

  • Little public information about the founders or legitimacy as a business.
  • Generic, low-quality products unsubstantiated by legitimate reviews.
  • Overly complex and non-transparent compensation plan focused on recruiting.
  • Lack of income disclosure statement showing typical earnings.
  • Refund and cancellation policies designed to make it difficult to leave.
  • Hastily constructed website riddled with typos and placeholders.
  • Complaints of missing payments or inventory seizures if volume isn’t maintained.
  • No verifiable address, registration records, or proven experience in the industry.
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Considering all the red flags and inability to validate key facts independently, the risk of loss through TehBemrn greatly outweighs any potential for success or profitability through legitimate means. I cannot recommend pursuing this opportunity.

True direct selling companies offer quality products, sustainable income opportunities, and put customers and distributors first — none of which seem evident based on my TehBemrn review findings.

Alternative Legitimate Opportunities

If you’re seeking a work-from-home business or side hustle with flexible hours, there are legitimate opportunities that won’t put your money and relationships at risk:

1. Sell print-on-demand products through platforms like Printful, Printify, etc. Low startup cost, keep 100% profits.

2. Start a blog, YouTube channel or podcast around your expertise and monetize through ads, affiliates, courses. Build long term assets.

3. Tutor online on platforms like Varsity Tutors, Wyzant. Get paid hourly to help students one-on-one. No ongoing costs.

4. Become a freelancer in your field on sites like Upwork, Fiverr, FlexJobs. Get clients and avoid mandatory purchases or recruiting.

5. Offer services locally like cleaning, bookkeeping, personal assistant work. Connect on sites like, Thumbtack.

The key is choosing opportunities with real products/services, transparent structures, and ways to earn without relying on recruiting others.

In summary, based on my in-depth analysis, TehBemrn shows all the signs of being an MLM scam rather than a legitimate business opportunity. I cannot recommend pursuing or promoting this opportunity due to the high risks involved.

Stay wary of any program lacking substance, transparency or sustainable income pathways. Protect yourself and only engage where you understand both the business model and your realistic prospects for success.

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Abby is a cybersecurity enthusiast and consumer advocate with over a decade of experience in investigating and writing about online fraud. My work has been featured in Relevant Publications. When not unmasking scammers, I enjoy programming and researching latest loopholes tips and tricks to stay secure online.