Is Workstshein Scam or Legit? Review

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We’ve all seen those flashy ads promising easy work-from-home opportunities with little to no experience required. Workstshein is one such company that has garnered a lot of attention recently, but are their claims of high paying flexible jobs really true?

In this no-holds-barred review, I’ll be taking an in-depth look at everything this company has to offer to help you decide if it’s a scam or a legit way to make money online.

What is Workstshein?

Workstshein touts itself as an online marketplace that connects employers with remote freelance workers. On their website, they advertise that they have a wide variety of flexible online jobs available in areas such as data entry, virtual assistance, social media management, and more.

Workstshein was Founded in 2020 and based in the United States. They provide jobs pay anywhere from $10-$30 per hour or more depending on the task. On Workstshein, no experience or degree needed for many of the jobs.

Also, work can be done from anywhere as long as you have an internet connection. And their Payments are made weekly via direct deposit or PayPal.

At first glance, Workstshein appears to offer a promising solution for those looking to pick up remote side work or transition to full-time flexible employment. The ability to conveniently work from home and get paid weekly does seem appealing.

However, like many work-from-home opportunities that sound too good to be true, there are several red flags that suggest Workstshein may not be completely legit.

Red Flag #1: No Employer or Job Listing Details

One of the first things I looked for on Workstshein’s website was a list of actual jobs that were currently available along with some details about the hiring companies. However, I found no specific job postings or employer profiles listed anywhere.

The site emphasizes that thousands of jobs are available in different categories but provides no way to browse current openings.

They don’t name any of the businesses supposedly using their platform to hire freelancers either. This lack of transparency about real job opportunities is a major cause for concern.

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Legitimate freelance job sites like Upwork and Fiverr clearly display dozens if not hundreds of active job postings at any given time so workers can research the hiring clients.

Meanwhile, scams often intentionally omit actual job listings to cover up the fact they have no real employers. The complete absence of verifiable information about current Workstshein jobs is a glaring red flag.

Red Flag #2: Unrealistically High Pay for Basic Tasks

Workstshein claims their remote jobs pay anywhere from $10 to $30 per hour or more depending on the work. While paying rates on the higher end of that range for skilled specialized positions isn’t completely unrealistic, some of the basic tasks they list just don’t add up pay-wise:

Data Entry: They claim this type of routine clerical work can pay up to $25 per hour which is considerably more than industry averages of $10-15 per hour.

Virtual Assistance: Common secretarial and admin jobs through Workstshein supposedly pay $18-22 per hour despite similar roles elsewhere maxing out closer to $15.

Social Media Manager: Even experienced social media marketers typically earn $15-20 per hour max, yet Workstshein implies entry-level managers without a proven track record could make $25-30 per hour.

When pay rates seem too good to be true compared to standard industry wages, it’s a warning sign the opportunty may not be on the level. Legitimate employers don’t drastically overpay for routine work just to attract applicants.

Red Flag #3: Lack of Testimonials or Reviews

A hallmark of trustworthy companies is real customer testimonials showcasing satisfaction and results. Yet despite claiming to have served thousands of freelancers, I could find no genuine reviews from actual Workstshein workers anywhere online.

Neither their website nor popular sites like Indeed, Glassdoor or Sitejabber contained any testimonials. Searching Workstshein reviews turned up no independent commentary beyond their own marketing materials and articles.

Even their social media feeds lacked any engagement from users sharing their Workstshein experience.

The absence of any verifiable proof from real peoplewho have worked with them before is a red flag since scams tend not to have happy former clients providing references.

Legitimate freelance marketplaces are always proudly displaying positive worker feedback to build trust – something noticeably missing with Workstshein.

Is Workstshein Scam or Legit?

After evaluating Workstshein across multiple elements and finding several glaring inconsistencies and lack of transparency, it’s difficult to avoid the conclusion that this company is likely not completely above board:

  • No publicly visible job listings or employer profiles
  • Unrealistically high pay rates vs industry standards
  • Zero actual client or freelancer reviews found online
  • No means to directly communicate with or verify a working company
  • Overly promotional marketing style focused on selling rather than showcasing
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While it’s impossible to say for certain without interacting with Workstshein directly, all signs point to this being more of a scam than a legit flexible job opportunity outlet.

The promise of plentiful remote jobs paying well above average without any substance to back those claims sets off major alarm bells. Fraudulent operations commonly advertise in this way to cast a wide recruiting net.

So in summary, the consensus review is:

📌 Scam – There is simply not enough verified information or transparency around Workstshein’s job offerings, hiring clients or payment processes to trust putting your personal information or time into this opportunity. Stick with well established, reputable platforms instead.

The prospect of earning income whenever and wherever you want is certainly alluring. However, when reviewing potential work-from-home companies, extreme skepticism is warranted given the rampant scams in this field.

Avoid getting duped by doing thorough research upfront like what was conducted here on Workstshein. Stick close to home with trusted brands you can vet appropriately.

Alternatives to Consider Instead of Workstshein

If the remote flexible work concept still appeals to you but Workstshein doesn’t seem credible, here are some legitimate marketplaces to earn money online:


Upwork is the top recommended platform for connecting with real, pre-vetted clients hiring freelancers for projects of all types from design to programming to writing. Rates are fair and payments are handled securely on the site.


Fiverr specializes in micro-tasks or gigs priced at $5 originally, but you can now offer higher pricing as well on longer term projects. It’s ideal for one-off graphic designs, videos, or other quick turnaround jobs.

Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk)

MTurk provides small online tasks like surveys, data entry and more at affordable pay rates. It takes some time to build up a decent income but it’s reliable supplemental earnings that don’t require interviews.


Remotasks focuses specifically on various data entry, admin and virtual assistant opportunities perfect for starting remote work with no skills required upfront. Jobs pay $8-12 hourly depending on speed/accuracy.

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For home-based freelancers interested in flexible transcription work, TranscribeMe is one of the top legitimate platforms to sign up for audio transcription jobs paying $15-30 per audio hour depending on your accuracy.

Hopefully this in-depth review of Workstshein has helped shed some light on whether or not it’s truly a scam.

Approaching any company promising easy at-home income without real verifiable information should be viewed with understandable skepticism. But authentic flexible work options do exist when researching trustworthy established marketplaces.

FAQs About Workstshein

Do I need any experience to get jobs on Workstshein?

Workstshein claims no experience is necessary for many of their job postings. However, without any actual verified listings or hiring clients listed, it’s impossible to confirm what qualifications – if any – different positions may require. Legitimate sites clearly outline experience preferences for each role.

How do I get paid on Workstshein?

Their site states payment is made weekly via direct deposit or PayPal. Yet there is no in-depth payment process or terms explained which is atypical for a professional job platform. Established marketplaces openly disclose payment schedules and methods upfront.

Is Workstshein membership/applying for jobs free?

The site gives no indication that any fees are charged for job seekers to gain access or apply to postings. However, since no real jobs are published, there is no way to verify what their application or matching process truly entails. Bona fide freelance platforms also never charge workers fees.

Can I make a full-time living through Workstshein jobs?

There is no data provided about average incomes of Workstshein “freelancers” to determine if relying on this platform as one’s sole source of income is viable. Without transparency into real opportunities or proven earnings, it remains unclear if consistent full-time work can be sourced here.

What kind of ongoing support is available to Workstshein freelancers?

Unfortunately their website omits mention of any worker support services like a help desk, training resources, or performance tracking dashboard – standard fare for credible online job marketplaces. This dashes hopes that they truly understand or support remote freelancers’ needs.

Is Workstshein reliable and will they be around long-term?

Considering the company has not shown solid proof of stability or legitimacy thus far, there are serious doubts whether Workstshein intends to remain a going concern over the long haul serving freelance workers. Responsible employers create trust through transparency and a track record helping freelancers achieve careers.

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Abby is a cybersecurity enthusiast and consumer advocate with over a decade of experience in investigating and writing about online fraud. My work has been featured in Relevant Publications. When not unmasking scammers, I enjoy programming and researching latest loopholes tips and tricks to stay secure online.